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Minho and his male heroine sat criss-cross on the grass field across from one another. The male didn't know how to talk to him or look at him after witnessing Minho in a desperate decision. He figured he should start off by telling the boy his name and hoping that Minho will do the same since they're both strangers to one another. The male picks his head up to face the boy that has been looking at him for ten minutes straight with his big brown eyes and nervous expression. The male puts his hand out in front of Minho, Minho cautiously grabs the stranger's hand.

"My name is Han Jisung, and you are?" The male now knows as Jisung ask Minho. Minho expression softens a little from Jisung introducing himself to him. "Lee Minho." He mumbles, but Jisung heard it. Both boys shake hands and let go after one shake to fall back into there awkward silence. Minho looked down at his cold pale hands as he rubbed them together, trying to create body heat. Jisung notices and places his hands over Minho clasped hands to warm them up, his warm hands warming up Minho in an instant. 

"Thanks." Minho whispers to the boy, his tone was quiet and shy since he had no idea how to speak clearly to the boy after he witnessed him attempting suicide. Jisung looks up in surprise from hearing the boy voice for a second time, he thought maybe he should finally break the silence between them. 

"I know this is..." Jisung looks into Minho eyes with his hands still on his as he spoke with a delicate tone. "probably a hard topic for you, and since I'm merely a complete stranger to you." Jisung softly smiles as Minho nervous expression is turned into an eased one. "I thought we could just start by me asking you a simple question. To get to know each other, what do you think?" Jisung asks Minho. Minho simply nods his head with a soft smile forming on his lips by how delicate Jisung was being with him. 

"So...I know your name, so how old are you? I'm 17, almost 18." Jisung asks Minho. Minho smiles wider as he prepares to answer his question. "I'm 19, almost 20." Minho answers as he chuckles by Jisung surprise expression. 

"You're older than me? You look like my age though." Jisung takes his hand off of Minho to point at how young the boy before him looked. Minho laughs but it soon turns into a hoarse cough followed by the cold shivers hitting his back. Jisung looks concern for Minho, he checks the time on his phone to see it was two in the morning.

Jisung puts his phone out to Minho as the older takes it into the palm of his hand, Jisung then reaches out for the older to put his phone into his hand. Minho takes his phone out of his front trouser pocket to place in Jisung hand. Jisung immediately swipes through Minho apps to find his Snapchat and types his username into the search bar before handing the older back his phone. Minho quickly does the same before handing Jisung back his phone. 

"Friend me when you get home. We can talk more tomorrow." Jisung tells the older with a kind smile as he stands up from his spot on the grass and places his phone back into the back pocket of his sweatpants. He reaches out to help Minho up from his spot, he immediately takes the younger hand into his own, as he's pulled up onto his feet. 

"Thanks, and don't feel too bad about being younger than me. I have a 17-year-old roommate." Minho talks in his usual confident tone but with a smidge of shyness still displaying itself. Jisung felt surprised to hear a different tone come from his voice, it felt nice to hear.

"I have to go now, but you'll be okay walking home by yourself?" Jisung asks Minho, with a nervous tone at the thought of the boy going back to jump once he's gone.

"I'll be fine. I just have to grab the coat I left on the platform. I promise I won't jump." Minho reassures Jisung with a soft smile.

"Okay. Text you tomorrow then." Jisung smiles warmly at the older, the older cheeks feeling warm by how he was making him feel.

Jisung turns his back to Minho to begin walking back to his apartment, hoping the moaning had stopped.

Minho left with warm insides he didn't understand.

Friend Me (L.M X H.J)✅Where stories live. Discover now