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"I officially call the Gay Squad meeting into order!" Hyunjin bangs his fist lightly against the coffee table like a gavel. Everyone cheers in unison. Changlix sat on the couch next to one another, Minsung sat on the floor; Minho arms wrapped around Jisung waist with his chest pressed against his back, Hyunjeong sitting comfortably next to one another, and new members Woochan simply holding hands while sat next to changlix.

"We've got new members to introduce. Bang Chan and Kim Woojin. Let's all clap for there gayness." Hyunjin announced as ever began clapping for the new couple.

"This meeting is not only for our new couple it also to know how it happened before moving on to our next topic." Hyunjin points at the couple for the story.



From: Ilovechicken 🍗❤

Hey. You doing anything?

Chan hesitates to answer his best friend, every since he drunk texted him. He's been having the most wild thoughts about, not to the extreme, just passionate make out sessions. He swallowed down the nervous lump in his throat and began typing a reply.

Yeah I'm free. What's up?

Meet me outside of SM entertainment. I have something important to ask you.

The same lump of nervousness came back up into Chan throat. He wanted to know what Woojin wanted to ask, but was scared of the question. He knew he felt something for Woojin but was unsure if he felt the same about him. Chan finally began typing back after questioning and requestioning himself.

I'll see you 20 minutes.
Ilovechicken 🍗❤ read


Woojin waited patiently outside of the building for Chan to arrive. He continued to check his Instagram feed and read the comments his fan would leave him. A car began to pull up in front of the building, Woojin looked up to see Chan getting out. His natural curly hair on show and wearing a black mask. He began walking over to Woojin, Woojin heart pounding against his chest as Chan neared him. He began to feel lovestruck, forgetting what he's preparing to ask Chan since last night.

"Hey Hyung." Chan took off his mask to greet Woojin properly.

"Hey, how are you." Woojin asked him with a light chuckle as he felt himself become more nervous. He tugged at the collar of his shirt.

"Let's go inside we can talk at my studio." Woojin grabs Chan hand and leads him into the building.


"So what's this question you wanted to ask me?" Chan ask Woojin as he takes a seat on the couch inside the studio. Chan shows him a smile while scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Listen. I wasn't drunk last night like you thought. What I told you was for real and I meant every part of it. I'm gay for you Bang Chan." Woojin tells Chan with a serious tone. Chan eyes are wide with shock as he felt his heart beating quickly and mouth loss for words.

Woojin rolled his eyes and grabbed Chan wrist to pull him up on his feet. Chan face was surprised by his action and he began opening his mouth to blubber unintelligent words but was cut off by Woojin lips pressing against his. His heart was racing, he was as stiff as a board, and his hands hovered over Woojin waist. You could say it took the boy ten seconds before kissing Woojin back and letting his hands be placed on his waist. "His lips are soft" Chan thought to himself as he moved his lips against his, "he's a very good kisser indeed." Chan compliments the older in his head as he smiles into the kiss as more thoughts popped into his head.

Woojin didn't want to pull away from the soft lips that are Chan but he needed air. He pulled away and both boys opened there eyes at the same time to see one another with blushing cheeks and panting breaths. Chan smiles shyly at Woojin, Woojin smirking at the blushing boy.


"I always had a feeling you were gay for Chan but I never want to say anything." Felix interjects on the story.

"Then Woojin asked me out and so we've been boyfriends since yesterday now." Chan smiles happily with a light chuckle as Woojin just gives him a smile.

"So here's the real topic today. As we all know, well most. Jisung came up with the idea of taking a trip with Minho before 3racha debut occurs. But Minho decided that he would feel more at ease if the trip was with the whole gay squad; including Woochan." Hyunjin explains the topic, getting up from his seat to walk over to the white board he stole from a school set.

"I think we all deserve a trip with our significant others. So I suggest we all get certain days to be with only our significant other and away from the whole group. So this is what I came up with." Hyunjin flips the white board to its other side unveiling the timeline and the location of there trip.

"I thought we take a trip to someone home town, I didn't think we go out of the country." Jisung says amazed by the timeline Hyunjin has come up with.

"Are we really going to go there Jinnie?" Jeongin points at the board where they would all be together. Hyunjin simple nods and smiles at Jeongin excited state.

"So, Changlix have been together for a year and good month now so they'll be getting two days to share with another. Since Minsung suggested the trip they'll be getting two days with another, me and Jeongin get one day with one another, and woochan get one day with one another. While the last day will be spent with all of us together." Hyunjin explains the way the couples days are chosen.

"Now let's go into preparation, where we are staying, and how communication will go."

Everyone listens carefully to Hyunjin. Changlix were listening but it was a bit uneasy for Changbin to listen with Felix running his hand up and down his thigh. Minho making it hard for Jisung to listen by blowing in his ear and rocking him in his arms, he giggle quietly. Woochan being a starting off couple simply played with one another hands. Jeongin being a baby sat, listened, and admired his boyfriend in aw.

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