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"They're so cute."

"Are they a thing now?"

"Isn't this a little creepy guys?"

"They could just be two dudes that fell asleep in each other arms."

"Don't be so innocent Jeongin."

"If you don't get out of this room in ten seconds. I will kick all your asses!" Minho voice uproars, raspy from being half asleep still. 

"Don't you have work?" Hyunjin asks him, mainly trying to get answers on why Minho and Jisung are sleeping together. 

"Do you have an audition for me?" Everyone in the room stays quiet while Jisung soft snores are the only thing knocking the silence away. 

"Didn't think so. Now get ou..." Minho lets his voice go soft as he snuggles closer into Jisung chest with a firm grip around his waist. Changlix and Hyunjeong leave the room to take a seat in the living room. 

None wanting to feel an ass whooping from Minho.


Jisung blinks his eyes open to fine Minho cheek flatten on his chest and soft snores coming from his nostrils. Jisung found the boy sleepy facial features absolutely precious in his eyes. His hair covering his forehead while little hairs stick out on the top. He raised his left hand to brush his boyfriend tiny hairs down. Minho raised up his face to place it on Jisung collarbone and lips releasing air against his neck, sending shivers down his spine. 

"M-Minho~" Jisung moans when Minho lips press against his neck. Jisung feels his hand on his waist clenching his skin. Minho eyes flutter open to kiss Jisung on the neck again.

"Morning." Minho big brown eyes look up into Jisungs. 

"M-Mi-mmm~" Minho had brought his hand on Jisung chin to tilt his head down to press a firm kiss on the younger lips. Jisung parted his lips to moan softly as Minho slipped his tongue into his mouth. 

The boys now laying on their sides. Both of Minho hands on the back of Jisung neck as they racked through his hair. Jisung arms wrapped around the older waist with there chest touching. Jisung decided to try something Minho taught him last night. He pulled his tongue out of Minho mouth to swipe it along his bottom lip before tugging on it gently with his teeth, causing the older to moan softly. 

Minho pulls away from the intense make-out session to look into Jisung eyes, the tip of his thumbs stroking his cheekbones. "Your lips taste like strawberries." Minho giggles, his eyes crinkle with a soft smile on his lips. Jisung rests his forehead against Minho's as he smiles wide from his boyfriend sweet giggles.


"GIRL LOOK AT ME NOW!" Felix lyrical voice screams throughout the house as his boyfriend hides his face with his hands. Jeongin laughs at his hyung, while his boyfriend arm was draped around his shoulders.

"When are they going to get up so we can interrogate them?" Changbin asks as he ignores his boyfriend embarrassing performance. 

"I think they're awake, but they're having a morning make-out session." Hyunjin suggested as Felix continued to sing Got7 Look in the background.

"We're ready to be interrogated." Minho voice echoes throughout the living room. The music stops and everyone in the living room eyes turns to where Minho and Jisung stood together, hand in hand.

"I'm guessing you're Felix boyfriend?" Minho asks as he points a finger at Changbin. Felix proudly takes a seat next to his boyfriend to wrap his arm around his shoulders. Changbin blushes from the affection and simply nods his head. Changbin felt awkward around Felix roommates since he just met them today after being with Felix for one year and two weeks now. It still surprises him how well they kept their relationship private for a year.

"Nice to meet you." Minho greets Changbin with a warm smile. Minho releases his hand from Jisung to take a seat on the floor. Jisung follows by taking a seat in front of Minho, allowing the older to spread his legs and wrap his arms around his boyfriend waist and cuddle him into his chest. Minho chin sat on Jisung shoulder with there hands on top of one another.

"When did this happen? It's too cute for my eyes to handle!" Felix squealed as he was in aw with the new couple affection towards one another. 

"We met late at night at the park we always go time by Han river and exchanged Snapchat. We've been talking for two weeks now and last night Minho asked me to be his boyfriend." Jisung spoke up for the question since he felt Minho grip on his hand tighten, he knew he couldn't tell the full truth until Minho was ready. 

"Really? Just like that? Minho signing up for Snapchat to make friends plan really worked then." Jeongin laughed as Minho threw a 'you're dead' glare at the maknae. "I don't believe this story, it's to short with hidden details you're leaving out. Plus, Jisung never interacts or gives his contact information to just anyone." Changbin inputs as Minho face went blank, his eyes looking down at his and Jisung hands resting on top of one another. 

"I can't explain how it truly happen, it was like fate or destiny had brought us together by a simple bumping into each other shoulders." Jisung circles his thumb against the top of Minho hand to calm him down. 

"Well I'm happy Minho has finally found someone to cuddle with at night rather than me. He can also stop being mopey and be the happy person we've all missed having." Jeongin smiles happily the new couple. Everyone drops the couple getting together story like that, everyone simply happy for them. 

"Felix Hyung? You've never told us how you and Changbinnie hyung got together." Jeongin asks, Changbin face immediately goes red by the memory of how he and his boyfriend met and got together. Felix doesn't respond since he was also embarrassed by how he and his boyfriend got together, there was nothing romantic about they got together. 

"So..." Changbin grabs on his boyfriend to not tell the story, his eyes desperate but Felix gives him the 'they'll keep asking if we don't' eyes. Changbin lets go of Felix's hand to hide his face in his hands as Felix continues the story from his point of view.

"I had just finished shooting a drug store commercial, I had gotten out of the pharmacy we filmed in to see a club down the street and decided why not. That's where I saw Changbin rapping with Chan and Jisung on the stage. I had stood by the bar drinking after drink after drink as I watched there performance. I eventually got wasted to the point where Changbin noticed me as the guy that needs a ride before he passes out or hurts himself. " Felix stops talking as he elbows Changbin to continue the story with his point of view. 

"So..I basically took Felix home by cab. I made it to this apartment and Felix decided to lean over me and throw-up on me. Then... since I have a weak stomach I threw-up on him." Everyone began laughing except for Felix and Changbin at there meeting story. "I then left Felix in the bathroom, I stole clothes from him, and I left my dirty clothes in a plastic bag for him with a note."  

"So that's why I woke up in the morning and found your clothes covered in vomit, I thought you threw up on yourself this whole time." Hyunjin laughed hysterically at the memory of Felix disgusted face when he woke up that morning. 

"Yeah... I then later that day had Changbin clothes I vomited on dry cleaned, he left me his phone number so I rung him up and asked him to meet me for coffee. Thus we decided to never speak of that night again and after a week of texting each other-" 

"I asked Felix out." Changbin interrupted to finish Felix sentence with a proud smile.

"At least there a little romance towards your story." Jisung laughs, Minho squeezes Jisung tight before kissing his cheek. Felix gets competitive and grabs Changbin face to place a kiss on his boyfriend's lips making it as cute and passionate as possible. 

"We're all just a group of gays, aren't we?" Hyunjin states with a chuckle as he wraps his arm around Jeongin shoulders. Everyone yells in agreement with there gay-selves.

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