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The boys landed in LA two hours ago and had arrived at the hotel they're staying at 30-minutes ago. The boys had no idea that a certain cherry head had been invited and would be arriving tomorrow. Every couple is already in their rooms either washing up, changing into fresh clothes or ignoring their hungry stomachs to take a nap on the comfy queen size bed they all possessed. Currently 1:30 in LA and most likely midnight in Korea, most boys slept on the long flight.


After arriving in LA they all checked into there hotel to freshen themselves up before all heading out together. They enjoyed there walk through the downtown area of Las Angeles, they found it more enjoyable with being able to walk comfortably with there partner. Each couples hands intertwine and nobody to judge them, they felt free.

All boys were on there way to a 50s style diner, but Jisung felt holding hands wasn't enough affection. Since Minsung got together Jisung has always felt that Minho showed more affection than himself. He's always the one to initiate the kisses, hugs, cuddles, hand holds, and even heated moments. The heated moments never go very far since Jisung feels to scared to lose his virginity still. Jisung wanted to be the romantist during there trip at Los Angeles and the days they spend away from the group. Jisung decided to start now by stopping them on the sidewalk. Minho always widen with a soft smile from Jisung own smile on him.

"The others are going to leave us if you keep smiling at me like that." Minho giggles at how strong his boyfriend eyes are on him.

"Let me carry you." He ask him, his expression surprised by his suggestion. Jisung turns around and bends down, Minho gives him a confused look before wrapping his arms around his neck and Jisung holding him by his thighs. He easily picks him up and begins to run forward to catch up with the group, Minho laughs, music to his ears.

*Visual Reference*

Jisung wouldn't lie anymore he was in love with Lee Minho and he couldn't wait to tell him that

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Jisung wouldn't lie anymore he was in love with Lee Minho and he couldn't wait to tell him that. His heart was beating loudly by the thought of officially saying it. Jisung passes through the others, the group staring at them with amusement on their faces.


After eating at the diner the boys headed back to the hotel to change into their swimwear.

Chan slathers his skin in sunscreen in order to avoid a sun burn on his vampire skin. Woojin helps out by putting it on his back, a blush forming on his cheeks from how soft and toned he felt underneath his hands. He stops at his shoulders and begins giving him houlder massage, earning a soft moan from Chan.

"You look so cute!" Hyunjin aws at his boyfriend wearing his white bucket hat. Jeongin pouts at the word cute as his boyfriend hugs him while smothering his cheeks with kisses. "I love you my baby fox." Jeongin blushes at the nickname since his Snapchat user was made as a joke before they got together but now it became a cute pet name. "I love you too Jinnie." He replys, his boyfriend smiling happily as he pecks his lips.

"Whooo! Sexy Changbin!" Chan whistles at Changbin taking off his shirt to reveal his abs and muscular biceps. "Eh! This is mine!" Felix calls out sternly to Chan using English  while wagging a finger at him. He proceeds to run a hand down his boyfriend chest to his abs. "All yours mate." Chan replys as he leans against Woojin shoulder who had his arms wrap securely around his bare waist.

Jisung watched the commotion as Minho layed next to him on the pool chair with his sunglasses on, staring up at the sky. Jisung tugs at the bottom of his shirt, wanting to take it off but nervous to show his body to Minho for the very first time. A yelp his heard, earning his attention to see Changbin push Felix into the pool, but he gets dragged in at the last second.

"Hey?" Jisung looks away to jump back a little by how close Minho face was to his all of a sudden. Minho smirks before leaning forward to kiss him sweetly on the lips. Jisung felt the heat enter his cheeks as he felt embarrassed for not initiating it himself.

"Woah! Minho!" Felix whistles, Jisung looks up to see he had stripped off his shirt. Jisung mouth salivates at his bare skin, his shoulders broad, packaged abs, and beautiful skin shimmering. Minho notices Jisung staring and couldn't help but smirk.

"Babe? You're drooling." Jisung looks away quickly as he wipes his mouth face flushing red. Minho laughs finding it adorably cute.

He begins to walk away to the pool staircase but before he could Jisung grabbed his hand and turned him around to face him. Jisung swallows down the nervous lump in his throat and takes his hands to guide them on the bottom of his shirt. He lifts his arms up signaling him that it was okay. Minho hesitates for a few seconds as he knew how she Jisung was. He finally begins lifting the shirt up slowly, taking in his boyfriend beautiful body being shown to him for the very first time. He slips  the shirt completely off him and sets it down on the lounge chair.

"Best Couple body goes to Minsung!" Changbin yells out as he splashes Felix without looking earning a scowl from Felix. Jisung cheeks flush red as he enjoyed the compliment. Minho giggles happily before grabbing his boyfriend hand to run forward and jump into the pool with him.

It may sound cheesy but Jisung managed to use his free hand to place it on Minho cheek and lean in to kiss him under the water before pulling up for air. Minho giggles shyly as he didn't expect it to happen as a red blush formed on his cheeks.

Minho had a small feeling deep down inside his gut that this week would lead to a first for the both of them.

2PT Minsung Days Chp next
2PT Changlix Days Chp next
(I plan on doing smut scene with whatever is voted most on)

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