Twist Ending III

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She was the most beautiful girl in the whole land. At least, that's what her mother always told her. Since the day she was born, everyone around her said this. When she passed by them going to school, home, or work, someone always stopped her to say she was beautiful. Some people went above and called her gorgeous, but not a single person dared only say she was pretty.

The girl never saw any other girl who challenged her beauty. All around her, she saw lovely girls, yet not a single one could compare to her. Many of them strived to be in the presence of her for if they were, their popularity would go up. Every girl asked for her permission before dating a boy because they wouldn't want to come in between her and a boy.

It wasn't fear that drove them to act the way they did: it was admiration. To them, she was a gift sent from God. And they saw her that way even as she grew older.

But with her beauty, she gained unwanted attention that nobody wished to have. She caught the attention of a man. He was a man no girl wanted looking at her. This man was a rapist.

Of course they girl faught and screamed, but that didn't stop him. Of course the girl went to the police, but they couldn't find him.

What was left of him was a child, an infant. The girl gave birth to a girl nine months later and didn't know what to do with her. Her mother pretended that it was her daughter and the girl's sister. Everybody in town accepted this. Everybody in town still called the girl beautiful. That is until the child grew.

Her daughter was always a pretty baby; there was no doubting that. The girl felt a sense of pride although nobody knew it. As the child grew, so did her beauty.

The child grew to have perfect proportions for her body and grew into her distinct facial features that used to not fit her face. She had long eyelashes and long, healthy flowing hair. She had delicate fingers and slim legs. The child had become beautiful.

People had began to take notice of her when she went out with her mother and grandmother. By the time she became a teenager, it was obvious how much she looked like the girl. Questions had been asked, and eventually, the people found out the truth about her mother. But the people only thought the girl was more beautiful as she was the mother of a teenager and still looked young.

The girl showed off her daughter to everyone being proud of her good looks and genes. She was still called beautiful, and her daughter was called pretty and lovely. This made the two get along more, and they became best friends. The two went on like this until the girl's mother died.

It was a sad time for all of the people as the girl's mother was a kind person who helped out in the community. Many people had gone over to her house to help her with funeral preparations and to box up her mother's belongings. The girl and her daughter weeped their sorrows on a stranger's shoulder as the people around them did their best to comfort them, but it didn't help.

On the day they buried the mother, the girl was a mess weeping on the floor and making strangled noises as her mother's body was lowered in the grave. And while this happened, the girl's daughter stood tall with her back straight and fought not to show emotion. She went throughout the funeral never letting her feelings get the best of her.

And so she was called a strong woman. She was strong by not crying. She was strong by taking care of her distraught mother. But strong soon became beautiful.

Her mother was no longer called beautiful as she had been her whole life. She had somehow replaced her mother as the most beautiful girl in the land. And she took pride with it going out whenever she could to hear people say it.

The girl however only heard the words, "You poor thing," when she went out. "You must be having a hard time," they said, "You have to raise your daughter alone." "Oh you poor thing, how will you support yourself?" She was sick of hearing it. She was sick of receiving their pity. The girl still had the same beauty, but she was overshadowed by her mother's death and her daughter's beauty. She was sick of it.

One day, the two had gone to a lake as a way to relieve their stress and try to have fun. But the girl had other plans.

"You trust me don't you?" she asked her daughter to which she nodded yes. She had her daughter lay on her back in the water and proceeded to drown her. At first nothing happened, but she began to fight half-heartedly. She soon stopped moving, and the girl was finally happy. She was the most beautiful girl in the whole land.

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