The Gravel Rangler Part 1

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*Got the inspiration for this during a mini road trip, and we passed by a construction site that had a lot of gravel piles.  Hope you enjoy!*

"Daddy!  The news is on!" my daughter calls out jumping up and down pointing at the tv.

"Ok sweetie.  How about you go with your brother and play a game with him?  Mommy and Daddy will stay and watch the news."

"But I don't wanna!  He never shares his toys!" she protested stomping on the ground.

"Dear, just do what you father says.  The news is for grown ups to watch not little munchkins okay darling," my wife says bending down next to her.  "Off you go."

She stomped off towards her brother's room, and we waited to hear the door click.

"They're talking about the murders on tv again aren't they?" she asks after the door closes coming to sit on the couch next to me.

"Of course they are.  That's all they're going to talk about now.  They've found five bodies so far.  It's the most captivating thing that' happened to our town in years," I tell her letting her tuck herself into my arm as the news starts.

"I just wish they would catch the person or people behind this.  It's frightening."

"I know it is."

We turn towards the tv as the reporter comes on screen.  They said that another body was found and had sent someone on the scene to report to us live.  This mames the sixth one in three months.  The killer seems to be escalating their spree.

"Hi I'm Chris Thompson reporting to you live from the construction site of the new elementary school being built.  Just three hours ago, it was reported that a body was found once again in the piled up gravel to be laid out.  It appears to once again be the work of the Gravel Rangler as the victim also had rope burns around their neck and gravel shoved down their throat.  We know that it's a female in their mid 20s to early 30s, but the body has yet to be identified."

"Chris, I've heard reports that there is DNA evidence left on the scene.  Can you tell us about that?" Leslie Landry asks.

"Certaintly Leslie.  Police are hoping to be able to find DNA that will link them to the killer as the body was found with rops that is presumed to have been used to strangle her.  Although it's not certain if this rope is even related to the body, police are hoping for the best case scenario and to be one step closer to finding the identity of the killer.  Back to you Leslie."

"Ain't it awful?" my wife asks.  "Another body found.  And they left it where the elementary school is being built.  This person is sick and twisted to do something like that."

"Hopefully they'll get a good lead with the rope found at the scene.  Then the town can stop living in terror and things will go back to normal."

"I doubt that'll happen dear.  Nothing can be normal again with so many people having been killed.  Everything will be different now."

"I'm just trying to remain optimistic."  She nods but picks her head up away from me when a knock sounds from the door.

"I wonder who that could be?  Especially at this hour," she says going over to the door.

"Let me answer it."  We look at each other, and she walks over to the coat rack and picks up the bat I've stashed there to hand to me.  She goes and stands by the hallway leading to the children's rooms.  I open the door.

"Hello is this the homd of Mary and Leroy Griffin?" the man on the other side of the door asks.

"That depends.  Who are you?"

"I'm Detective Lusco.  I'm curreny part of the team investigating the Gravel Rangler murders."

"Why are you here?"

"We were hoping Mrs. Griffin was home to speak with."

"What's the problem detective?" she asks coming over to stand beside me.

"We have reason to believe the body that was found recently may be your sister.  Would you be willing to come down and help to identify it?"

"It can't be my little Rosie!" she cries out coverig her mouth with her hands.

"Would I be able accompany my wife?"

"Certainly sir.  It would best to come now."

"We'll follow you there after we get a babysitter for our children," I tell him closing the door.  My wife falls into my arms and cries.  I pat her hair lovingly.

This has gone too far.

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