Chapter 1

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"Okay, this may seem a bit odd to you cause the adventure kids are just your normal average everyday kids" Kali's voice began to narrate for the readers. 

"But this is the one time we were superheroes with super powers! The purpose wasn't to be weird or anything. But for this...."

It was just like any other normal day at the Metroville high school. 

In one room, the students were giving out their class presentations. Their topic was "What they think makes the world a better place". 

"And so in prosperity, I say the qualities of makeup make the world a much better place" The blonde-hair snobby student, Donna, concluded her presentation while the rest of the class applauded. 

All except for one tomboy of course, who feel asleep halfway through Donna's presentation out of boredom. 

"Thank you, Donna, that was brilliant" The teacher, Miss Hunter smiled while Donna curtsied before taking her seat. 

Miss Hunter then looked at the list to see who's turn it was to give their presentation. 

"Last up is... Kali Harpercop" 

But there was no responses as the classroom was quiet, with the students staring blankly at the chalkboard in front of them. 

"Miss Harpercop?... Miss Harpercop!" The teacher raised her voice a little, getting the female student's attention.

Now, teenaged, longtime adventure girl Kali was distracted for a moment, talking to her friend who had long black hair and a headband. The tomboy grabbed her presentation sheets and quickly got up from her desk, almost tripping. She walked up to the front of the room.

Kali was obviously NOT the popular kid in school, like her friend who she was just talking to. The other classmates weren't always too interested in her past presentations and stuff. They found the tomboy really.... weird. 

Kali came up to the front of the classroom near the teacher's desk. She took out her papers in front of her and cleared her throat, ready to read her presentation. 

"My presentation topic is all about something that's been gone for nearly 15 years. Something that I really think the world needs again... Superheroes!" 

"Superheroes or 'Supers' have been known all over the world for their crime fighting and protecting the citizens of the community-" Kali started explaining about her presentation topic, until a student with brown hair, Heather, raised her hand and interrupted.

"Wait a minute. Not to be cocky, but I thought superheroes in Metroville were illegal" She said to the formerly shy tomboy.

"Well, yeah, but that was because of the public's despicable opinion to-" Kali tried to explain, before another student, Rodney asked-

"Is it true that all supers have gone into hiding?" 

"Well-" Kali started before she was interrupted again. This time by Donna. 

"How come is it that superheroes were illegal in the first place?" Donna asked all snobby like while looking darkly at the tomboy, thinking she didn't have an answer for that. 

Kali stopped talking for a second as she became lost in thought and soon all of the students leaned forward in their desks, eager to know everything about the banned superheroes in Kali's project.

Kali glanced over at her friend for a second who soon nodded to her. Kali nodded back and gave a smile to her friend, as she was about to tell the whole class a story.

"To better understand about the Supers, we must go back to the beginning. The way beginning..."

Flashback to 15 years earlier~ 

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