Chapter 12

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Back with the kids, the guards screamed and ran away in fear as they were being hurt by Krypto. 

"Had enough?" Kali asked the guards, while Krypto growled aggressively towards them. 

"I hope Dash is okay" Brock said.  

The kids looked to see that they had taken care of most of the guards, with only a few left to get rid of.  

"I think we can handle it from here" Jacob looked to Kali confidently and she nodded to him, knowing what he meant. 

"Krypto, go find Dash!" Kali then told her dog to go check up on Dash and make sure that he was okay. 

"You got it!" Krypto nodded and then flew off with his super speed, gone in a flash. 

One of the remaining guards was desperately looking for Violet, who had disappeared out of sight after she turned invisible again. 

"I know you're there, Little Miss Disappear" the guard growled.

That's when a large branch levitated off the ground by itself. The gang didn't say anything, knowing who it was as the branch came up behind the guard and clubbed him until he was knocked to the ground.

"Now you see me... Or not!" Violet then reappeared in front of her friends with a small smirk on her face. 

"Good one, Vi" Kali giggled, getting the joke. 

But just then, the fallen guard was back up and about to trip Violet. 

"Violet, watch out! Run!" The Harpercop siblings warned her. 

Violet gasped and quickly headed into the river, turning invisible while the guard continued shooting but missed.  

The others wanted to help Violet out, but they were occupied with the last few guards, evading their attacks. One guard had Kali pinned up by a tree briefly, choking her. But the tough tomboy quickly escaped after holding her hands out in front of his face, blinding him with the flashing bright light that came from her palms. Then grunted and kicked the enemy in the crotch, slipping out of his reach and darted off to quickly get away. Mikey then suddenly pounced at the guard, swinging hits with his nunchucks at the foe. 

"Stay away from her!" he growled while narrowing his eyes, not letting any hurt his girlfriend. 

The other guard had Violet clear in sight after throwing some dirt in the water, about to shoot her.

Luckily in the nick of time, Dash came zooming by back with Krypto, who had found him out near a cave running on a lake of water. Dash ran past the guard, knocking the gun out of his hand then came running back and pounced on him. 

"Don't touch my sister!" the ten-year-old yelled, throwing punches at the guard.

But the guard punched Dash off of him and grabbed his gun, ready to shoot all the kids now. Violet then reappeared again and screamed, seeing her brother and friends about to be killed. Without thinking, she suddenly jumped in front of everyone when out of nowhere a giant forcefield appeared around the gang, protecting them from the oncoming bullets. 

"Whoa!" Mikey, the twins and Krypto all exclaimed in awe. 

"How are you doing that?" Dash and Kali asked. 

"I don't know" Violet replied, equally amazed. 

"Well whatever you do, don't stop!" Jacob told Violet.   

Dash then turned around and started running, rolling the forcefield along with the gang inside while Krypto flew out alongside them. Creating the Incrediball as the perfect tag-team between the Parr siblings. Proving worthy when two velocipods came at them but only bounced off the forcefield and crashed, causing a huge explosion.

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