Chapter 6

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After a few days, Bob came back home and seemed to be a lot more happier now with his life. He got himself a new car, and one for Helen too. And that wasn't all, the Harpercops were also in a good mode, being happy that Bob was in a much better mode now with his family. Kali soon asked Bob if she could interview him for her school project report, and he was delighted to help her out with that. When Bob wasn't with his family and neighbors, he would go out to exercise at a train yard and pretty soon he was back in shape. Everyone was happy as life was truly incredible again.

Although Kali was quite surprised to learn only a few days ago about her dad being a superhero and that she had her own powers, she didn't tell the twins or more importantly her mother.     

One morning, Brock was out in the yard playing fetch with the pets when he spotted Bob going out. 

"Where are you going today, Mr Parr?" Brock asked his neighbor, coming up to the fence with the dogs. 

"I'm off to see an old friend of mine" Bob replied, before getting in his new sports car and drove off. 

Brock just shrugged his shoulders and continued playing fetch with the pets. 

Bob's car soon pulled up in front of a gate with a high-tech security system and a guard appearing on a video screen. 

"Do you have an appointment?" The guard asked Bob. 

"I'm an old friend" Bob replied. "I just wanted-" 

"All visitors are required to-" The guard said, before someone below the camera shooed him away. 

"Get back, Rolf!" a husky female voice told the guard. "Go check zhe electric fence or something"

A small woman with huge glasses then came up to the video screen. "Vhat is it? Who are you? Vhat do you want?" 

Bob then lowered his sunglasses to reveal himself to this woman he'd know from a long time ago.

"My God, you've gotten fat" She muttered. "Come in! Come, come!"  

"Who is it, Miss Mode?" a young female voice asked the shorter woman. 

"An old client, Cynthia, darling" the woman replied.

The gates then opened and Bob drove up to the mansion. Bob soon came into a living room to see two women come out to greet him. The shorter one with glasses known as Edna Mode, Bob had know since back during the glory days. She even designed his first super suit. The other was a young teenager about Kali's age with long brown hair, makeup, and was wearing a dress, revealing to be Kali's wealthy friend Cynthia Widdlestine, who for awhile now had been working with Edna as her assistant.

"Yes, things are going quite vell. My God, no complaints" Edna said to Bob. "But, you know, it's not zhe same. Not zhe same at all"

"She's right, it's been difficult for us" Cynthia added with a small sigh.

"Weren't you just in the news?" Bob asked Edna. "Some show on Prague?" 

"It was Milan, Mr Incredible" Cynthia told him. 

"Supermodels, HA! Nothing super about them. Spoiled, stupid, little stick figures with poofy lips who think only about themselves. Feh!" Edna scoffed. "I used to design for Gods!"

"But perhaps you've come with a challenge?" Cynthia asked the retired superhero. 

"Yes, Cynthia, darling" Edna agreed, before she turned to Bob. "I vas surprised to get your call"

"E, I just need a patch job" Bob said, giving Edna his torn suit. 

"Oh my!" Cynthia gasped once she had a look at the suit with Edna. "This is megamesh. Outmoded, but very sturdy, and you've torn right through it!"

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