Chapter 15

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We are now shown back into the present day where we started~

"And that is why, I think superheroes would once again... make the world a better place" Kali had finished her story to the class. 

It was silent in the classroom for a moment, as all eyes were staring at the tomboy. Until everyone burst out into a giant roar of applause. The students loved Kali's presentation. It had left them all speechless, even Donna and her minions were applauding for her. Kali smiled feeling she had done herself well on this project, then turned over to her best friend Violet and winked at her, and Violet returned the wink back to her friend.

"Amazing, Kali" Miss Hunter applauded. "That was absolutely an incredible presentation!"

"Thank you, Miss Hunter" Kali obliged, giving her presentation sheets to her teacher now so she could grade her work.  

Even though Kali had left out any parts that would've revealed to the class about the Parrs' and her family's secret identities. 

"But wait!-" one student, Ben raised his hand, asking Kali. "Who's your favorite super?" 

"That's simple" The tomboy replied, shrugging her shoulders. "Lady Sav and Goo Clinger"

"And how do you know so much about them?" Stacey asked. 

The tomboy only smiled in response, before she gave a quick glance out the window to see the Justice League fly by in the sky. Then the bell rang and school was done for day as the students ran out of their classrooms. 

Kali and Violet then went down to the school track meet, where they were having a race and Dash was participating. The girls then smiled and waved as they spotted their families sitting up on the bleachers. Krypto, Jacob, and Mikey (in his human form) were there too.

"Hey, Kali!" Krypto barked happily, jumping up on his girl and licking her face, glad to see her. 

"How'd you do, sweetie?" her mother Jane then asked about her school project. 

"I got an A+" Kali replied with a smug smile.  

"That's fantastic, honey!" Walter smiled, before ruffling his daughter's hair. 

"Thanks, Dad" Kali smiled back, then high-fived Violet. 

The two friends decided to talk with each other before the race started.   

"Do we have to have cheerleaders at the track meet?" Violet asked Kali. "I mean, what is that all about?" 

"Well, I always thought it was more of a-" Kali was about to say, when- 

"Hey" Tony then appeared, coming over to Violet while Kali smirked. 

"You're, uh, Violet, right?" Tony asked the formerly shy black-haired girl. 

"That's me" Violet nodded. 

"See ya, Vi" Kali said to her best friend, as she decided that was her cue to leave the two alone.

Kali then came back up to the bleachers to join her family and the Parrs, when Jack-Jack held his hands out to her, babbling while sitting in Helen's lap. Kali smiled coming up to Jack-Jack and pinched his nose playfully while Jack-Jack giggled. Kali then chuckled and rubbed his head, showing her affection towards the baby before she sat down with the rest of her family. It was good to have the whole family all back together again, especially with Walter. 

Violet soon came up to the bleachers and joined her family and friends. 

"How'd it go?" Kali asked, once Violet sat down next to her. 

"Friday, movie date" Violet replied, giving a thumbs up. 

"Nice!" Kali smiled to her best friend and gave a thumbs up back. "I'm so proud of you, Vi"

The race then started as the family watched Dash run. They all kept shouting out and coaching to him whether to speed up or pull back. Dash soon won second place as the whole family cheered for him. 

"Dash, I'm so proud of you" Helen smiled to her son, while after the race the families had come out to the parking lot.

Just then, a loud rumbling sound was heard and screaming people as the gang all looked to see a giant drill machine burst out from the ground and into the parking lot. A mole man then appeared before the crowd of terrified citizens. 

"Behold the Underminer! I am always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me!" 

"Okaaaay..." Jacob said in that awkward voice, thinking the mole man was trying too hard. "Now this is just sad"

"Yeah" Mikey agreed. "I don't know if we should pound him, or buy him an ice cream cone"  

"I hereby declare war on peace and happiness!" The Underminer continued. "Soon all will tremble before me!" 

Bob turned to see his friends and family, including Jack-Jack, had already don their masks and Mikey had turned off his wristwatch to resume his turtle form and was all geared up, ready for action. 

"Are you ready, kids?" Walter asked, turning to his three children. 

"Time to be super!" the twins cried out in exhilaration. 

"Watch after Jack-Jack" Helen reminded her kids. 

The family took off ready to fight this new foe, starting a new adventure as "The Incredibles" 


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