Chapter 11

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The next morning, the kids were all asleep together in the jungle. Dash was the first to wake up when he realized he was hugging his sister in is sleep, much to his disgust. Jacob and the others soon woke up after him and were captivated by the sights of the jungle.  

"Whoa!..." Mikey exhaled in awe. 

"It's so beautiful" Ann said, looking around. 

Dash then spotted a blue bird that appeared to be watching them. 

"Hey, Violet, guys, come here" Dash woke up his sister, then pointed out to the exotic bird. "Look, that bird can talk" 

"Voice key, incorrect" the bird said to them. 

"Voice key?" Kali asked, confused. 

"Wait a second..." Violet was suspicious, getting a closer look at the bird. 

The bird then opened its beak and its eyes flashed red, revealing to be a robotic alarm. 

"What do we do?!" Dash and the twins panicked. 

"RUN!" Kali and Violet yelled. 

"Where are we going?!" Dash and the twins asked.  

"AWAY FROM HERE!" Violet told them.  

"That's a good idea!" Jacob agreed, and the kids started running while the bird followed after them.  

Krypto then turned his head back briefly and zapped the bird with his heat vision, destroying it. Hoping the bad guys wouldn't find out they were here. 

"INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" the sirens went off inside Syndrome's lair. 

Helen and Jane overheard and looked to each other, wondering what was going on. Thinking their children might have been spotted, but the two longtime super friends knew they had to find their husbands now before Jane's xray-vision effects wore off. 


It had been a long mournful night for Walter and Bob. They both had their heads down sulking, as there was nothing left for them to do but give up. When the door opened to the room. Mirage came in, slowly walking up to the control panel and pressed a button, freeing the two superheros as they dropped to the floor. 

"There isn't much time" She came up to them, kneeling down to Mr Incredible. 

"No there isn't" Bob agreed coldly, suddenly grabbing Mirage by the neck tightly and started choking her. "In fact, there's no time at all"

"Bob, please, let her go" Walter begged.  

"Why should I?!" Bob growled, only glancing to his longtime friend. "After all..." he then looked back at Mirage. 

"How can you possibly bring me lower?!" He glared angrily at the woman who had done most of Syndrome's bidding, while still strangling her in his strong grasp. "What more can you take away from us?" 

"Family... survived... the crash" Mirage struggled to say while being choked. "They're here on the island!"

"They're alive!?" Bob and Walter gasped. Bob then let go of Mirage while she coughed, trying to catch her breath.  

Bob and Walter then smiled to each other, before helping Mirage up and both gave her a small embrace in thanks.  

Just then they looked to the door in surprise to see their wives standing before them in shock. Bob quickly let go of Mirage, while Walter just stared in shock to see his wife after one long year without her. Jane also did the same, but was more upset then relieved, especially to see her husband hugging another woman. 

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