Chapter 4

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The next day, Kali sat in her chair in the computer lab with droopy eyes as she typed away, looking up research for her project, but wasn't having too much luck. 

"This whomps" she let out a tired sigh.

The bell soon rang for lunch. Kali and Violet sat next to each other, away from the crowds of popular kids and talked about random things.

"So, how's your dad?" Kali asked Violet before taking a bite into her vegetarian sandwich. The tomboy had apparently been thinking about interviewing Bob for her project since he was once a super. 

"Okay, I guess" Violet shrugged her shoulders, her hair still covered up most of her face. "He's mostly just been stressed out lately" she added. 

"I know what you mean" Kali replied, before taking another bite of her sandwich. 

Just then, the two teenage girls spotted Tony coming over. Violet quickly grew nervous and without thinking she turned invisible again, without anyone seeing as Tony walked past their table in the cafeteria. 

"Oh Violet..." Kali sighed looking to her best friend, who was still invisible at the moment.

The girls soon went to algebra together, then history, then their separate ways to different classes until school was soon over.

After school, Kali, Violet, and the twins started walking home this time when they passed by near a few shops downtown. When someone suddenly snuck up from behind Kali and covered her eyes. 

"Boo!-" a familiar young male voice Kali recognized all to well said to her. 

"-yakasha!" she finished and smiled, removing the hands away from her eyes. Revealing to be Mikey, with his curly blonde hair, baby-blue eyes, dark freckles, and favorite orange sweater. 

"Missed ya, you greedy pizza stealer!" The tomboy playfully punched her boyfriend in the shoulder, teasing him. 

"The fun has arrived!" Mikey announced, while the twins whooped with him in excitement. 

"So, Kali... I'm guessing this must be your boyfriend?" Violet asked. 

"Yes" Kali nodded with a smile. "Violet, i'd like you to meet Mikey" 

"Mikey, this is my best friend Violet" Kali introduced her boyfriend to the shy black haired girl. 

"Nice to finally meet you" Violet shook hands with the out of town teen. 

"Wait! I should probably take off this silly disguise" Mikey realized, telling the other human teens. 

"What disguise?" this had Violet confused now. 

Kali then led the gang back into an alleyway to stay hidden from the other people. Mikey then looked down at the watch on his wrist and turned it off, which was actually revealed to be a cloaking device that his brother Donnie invented. Mikey finally revealed his true form, which just happened to be... A ninja turtle! 

"Now there's my guy!" Kali smirked at the mutant turtle she developed feelings for, back when they first met when her family was living in NYC. (Before they moved again of course, repeatedly)

"Wow!" Violet was only in astonishment. "So the ninja turtles are real? I thought they were just made up characters from comic book stories"

"No, they're real alright" Brock said, smirking. 

"You're standing right in front of one now" Ann added, also smirking while Violet was still in awe. 

"So... your boyfriend is..." the shy teen was about to tell her best friend. 

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