Chapter 7

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It was the late afternoon at the Harpercops household, as the kids had just gotten home from school. 

Jane had finished doing her chores, when she went downstairs and walked up to the door of her husband's personal private room. Some odd things had been going on for the past few days with Jane's husband, and it was bothering her. But she was going to confront it now! As she took a deep breath, Jane entered the room to find her husband exercising. Mostly just doing push-ups. 

"Hey, good looking" Walter smiled sweetly to his wife once she came in. "What's up?" 

But Jane didn't reply as she came over to her husband's side, looking serious. 

"Your... suit was gone" She said. 

Walter slowly got up and looked at his wife in question, raising an eyebrow. 

"Your Goo Clinger suit. While you were away on your last business trip, I vacuumed in here" Jane explained. 

"I... had it cleaned" Walter replied. 

Jane merely blinked at him, still giving that look. "Is there a problem?" Walter asked. 

"Oh-Ho-Ho, yes, Walter" Jane laughed a bit sarcastically. "There is a problem on so many levels" she paced around the room with her hand to her forehead in frustration. 

"What?" Walter asked her. 

"One, that you would take out your super suit while we're suppose to be in hiding" Jane stated. 

"No one suspected..." Walter started, trying to calm her down. "I said it was for a costume party-" 

"And two! Did you actually think I'd believe that right before your business trip you suddenly needed your super suit cleaned?" Jane proclaimed, starting to get irritated. 

"...Did I miss something?" Walter asked her, completely lost in total confusion.  

Jane then walked out of the room for a second, then came back with Walter's old super suit and something she had discovered on it earlier. 

"What is this?" Jane asked her husband, holding out in front of him a long blonde piece of hair in her finger tips. 

"Looks like a hair. Duh" Walter replied.  

"Who's hair?" Jane asked demandingly.  

"I don't know" Walter shrugged his shoulder. "The cleaner's?" 

"It's blonde" Jane said. "It's white" Walter disagreed.  

"It's platinum blonde" Jane clarified. 

"It's white old lady hair" Walter defended himself. "The cleaner's" 

"This is not old hair!" Jane yelled. 

"Why don't you ask what you wanna ask!" Walter yelled back, glaring at his wife as he got up and faced her.

Jane then frowned, feeling uneasy, getting serious now. "Are you having... an affair?" 

Walter only looked to Jane in silence before he slowly frowned, taking his suit back from her and placing it on the side of his chair. Of course he'd never cheat on his wife, but why would Jane even think that? 

"I was just... feeling good about things for a change" Walter said, stuttering only a little. "I just- I- I wanted... to get the suit cleaned" 

"Do you have to-" He started with his wife. 

"I- I'm sorry..." Jane apologized softly. 

"Can't you just..." Walter turned to her before sighing then left the room. "Forget it" 

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