Chapter 6 : Unluck

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The next day, my dad woke up. He asked about what had happened. I explain the situation and his eyes went wide. "You don't remember what happened, dad?" I asked moving closer to him. He shook his head, "I don't think so, all I remember is that we were driving home then suddenly it went black." he said. I let my head hung low. "Don't worry Jess I'm fine. Thanks to God me and your mom survived." He said patting my head with a smile on his face.

I looked up to him and repay him with a smile. Not long after that, my mom woke up. "What happened?" she asked, I told her what happened to them last night. "We crashed?" she said. I nodded. She looked to my dad and said: "Please tell me it didn't strike us." "I'm sorry, it did."

I looked to them, "What struck you? The truck, yes it did." I said. Their heads turned to me, my dad gave one look to my mom and she nodded. He turned to me again. "Honey, in life there are such as luck and unluck. Luck is like a blessing, it will come to us if do what's good." He started. "However, unluck will strike us as a punishment for the sins that we did." He continued. I raised an eyebrow. "You guys telling me that you believe in luck?" I asked in disbelief. "Honey it's not like that. Luck is blessing and unluck is punishment." My mother said.

"So now you're telling me that you guys are being punished?" I asked again. They both nodded slowly, "Sadly yes, now we have to found out what to do to get that punishment away from us." my dad said.

On the outside, I may look like I believe in all that but in reality I don't believe in such nonsense. In my opinion luck and unluck will come to you eventually. Blessing and punishment is something that God will do to you based on what you do in your life.

"So what do we have to do?" I asked them, "We have to worship our God." my mom said. I nodded. I kept thinking about what they said. Luck is a blessing. Unluck is punishment. It sounds weird since luckiness unluckiness is from a different context with blessing and punishment.

After our talk, I decided to inform Mitchie and Vermont of what happened yesterday. Soon both of them came to visit us after I told them. "Oh my goodness, Jess are they okay?" Mitchie asked after giving me a hug. "Yes yes, they are okay," I said patting her back. "We felt sorry for what happened Jess. Here a little gift from my family." Vermont said handing a basket filled fruits.

"Thanks, Vermont. Thanks, Mitch. I'm glad to have you as my friend." I said with a sweet smile. "No worries. Can we see your parents?" Vermont asked. I nodded and led them to my parents' hospital room. "Mom, dad, you have a visitor. I said entering the room with my friends. "Really? Oh hello there." My dad said putting down the newspaper he was reading.

"Hello kids, How are you?" My mom asked with her bright smile. "We're doing fine Ms. Taylor. How are you?" Mitchie said. "Oh we're fine, the doctor said they will release us tomorrow." My mom replied. "That's great news," Vermont stated with his cheeky smile. "Yes it is." My dad joined.

Throughout the day, we had so much fun. We talked, watched TV, shared stories and eat together. We didn't even notice that it was late.

"Hey Mitch, Vermont I think you guys need to head home. It's late." I said to them after looking at the clock. "Is it that late? Wow, well we better head home now. Thanks for having us, Ms. and Mr. Taylor. " Mitchie said walking towards the door. "Yeah, I hope you get well soon." Vermont followed Mitchie to the door.

"Goodbye Mitchie, Goodbye Vermont." My mom said. "Goodbye, everyone." My dad continued. "Goodbye," Vermont and Mitchie said at once. I followed them to the front desk. "Thanks for visiting you guys," I said. "No problem Jess. What are friends for?" Vermont said "Call us if you need anything," Mitchie said giving me a hug. Vermont joined in and the hug began to crush my bone. "Okay okay let go," I said slipping away from them.

"Hahaha, bye Jess." Mitchie said before exiting the hospital. "Bye Jess," Vermont said softly grabbing my hand and kissed my cheek. I blushed red, "Hahaha, you should blush more often." Vermont said putting his hand on my red cheek. "Just leave you dumbass," I said looking down at the floor in an attempt to hide my red face. "Hahaha whatever you say, princess." Vermont said with a cheerful tone. "Shut up and wipe that grin off your face!" I shouted at him, "Oh I know you love it!" He shouted back at me, his grin still painted on his face.

Unluck huh? I don't sense any unluckiness.

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