Chapter 10 : Sacrificed Jess

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I woke up only to find out that I'm tied down to a table. Tapes around my arms, legs, and waist prevent me from getting up. I struggled to break free only to end up hurting my arms and legs.

My struggling continues until I heard a familiar low voice, "Don't even try to struggle," My eyes widen in shock, "Dad?" I said "What's going on? Help out, dad!" I glanced at the figure beside who turns out to be my father.

My father was a complete mess. It looks like he was out drinking, the smell of alcohol surrounds him. "Sorry, sweetie," He said kissing my forehead. "W-what?" I stammered. Suddenly I felt a cold hand landed on my arm, stroking it softly. "I am so so sorry." the voice said. "Mom?" "Don't worry darling it will end soon." She said softly as I felt something cold landed on my thigh.


"Are you crying, mom?" I asked glancing at her, "You know we love you so much right Jess?" My mom asked me. "Of course mom, now please help me," I said trying to break free again. I asked them again to help me the only response I got was complete utter silence. "Why are you just standing there?" I asked again. Before I knew it a sharp blade pierce through my thigh. I screamed in pain only to have a piece of clothing stuffed into my mouth.

That very moment I knew what was happening. Tears streaming down my face as another blade pierce my other thigh. I grunted in pain as my parents tried to dismember my leg. The sound of my flesh being cut, my grunts, and my mother's crying filled the room. "Honey, I think it's enough," My mom said, her voice cracking. My dad only nodded.

My parents approach my face staring deep into my eyes. "Your eyes had always been a gift from God. A treasure," My dad said stroking my stained cheeks with his bloody hand. "We must return it." He continued. My eyes widen in fear. My mother continued to bawl like a little kid. "I'm sorry, Jess." She said over and over again.

My dad grabbed small cup filled with something. He opened my eye sockets, getting a full view of my blue eye. His tears landed on my cheeks as he let the substance falls on my left eye. As it made it's way to my eye, I immediately knew what it was. Glass shards.

The shards of glass were so small until it continues to pierce every side of my eye. I screamed through the cloth as the glass kept penetrating my eye. With my red eye, I glance at my mother as my mother grabbed another cup. I don't need to wait for what will happen next, I closed my red colored eye as my mother approached me. She opened my eye as she did the same to my right eye.

This time the glass slightly large, the largest of them all stabbed my eye dividing it into two. I continued to scream as both of my eyes poured out a large amount of blood. I could feel my mother's tears dropped on my hand as I screamed louder when the shards sunk further into my sockets.

My sights now are completely destroyed, all I can do was listen to their conversation and feel their touch. Soon a cold hand caressed my chest softly until it stopped on top where my heartbeat is. "You always had a pure heart, Jess." My dad started "Cold but sweet on the inside. We're sorry we had to do this. To sacrifice our own precious baby."

This scene seems familiar. That's right... Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac. Did they get this idea from that?

I thought to myself. Sacrificing their own daughter for the sake of their life. "We're sorry, Jess. It's the only way to please our God." he started to sob as he put his ear on top of my beating heart. "We will miss you," My mom said.

Anger, rage, sadness filled me. My eyes starting to pour more blood as I cried out blood. Suddenly I felt cold air brushed across my stomach. My clothes were being torn apart by my dad. He cut through the fabric revealing my fair white skin. I could feel another hand holding my waist as I felt sharp blade line in the middle of my chest.

The blade cut my skin creating an access to my organs. They created another opening for them to get a wider view of my internal organs. I screamed through the cloth as the blade cut one of my arteries. I cut feel the blood leaking out from it staining my other organs. The blade continued to cut my veins and arteries leaving the largest artery in place.

"I can do this please you take my place," I heard my dad said. "What? No I-I can't do i-it." my mom said. They kept arguing about who would end this all, leaving me on the table dying slowly. "What about together? We can go through that right?" My dad suggested. After that, I didn't hear a response from my mom but I assumed she must have said yes.

I soon feel the blade on the side of my last artery which is keeping me alive. "We're sorry Jess."

After that I couldn't feel anything, my breathing soon slowed down, my heart was now separated from my body. I feel the cloth in my mouth was taken out but soon replaced by a wet object.

My heart.

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