~Chapter 3~

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I woke up to the sound of angry birds chirping rather badly.

Nope, that’s just my mom yelling. “¡Levántate!! Es hora de ir a la escuela. ¡Levántate!!” [ Get up! It's time to go to school. Get up! ]

I groan in annoyance, how could someone have so much energy after waking up?

I poke my head up and was welcomed by my mother’s piercing screams. She stumbles back as if she’s just seen a ghost. I groan again, letting my head fall back onto the pillow.

“Ginger, why you in brother’s room?” She asks surprised. On either sides of me, lay my brothers who were fast asleep. They snore, unfazed my my mother's screeching. I envied them at the moment.

“Go!” She scowls at me, pointing to the door, I nod my head and slide off the edge of the bed. “No more sleeping with brothers, you a big girl!”

I giggle as I pass the doors threshold, my mother’s english lacked english.

“Vale, mamá” [ ok mom. ]


“Pumpkin hurry or we are going to be late for school.”

I look over to Antony while a bowl of cereal is placed in front of me, “okay”

I ate most of my cereal before Antony came over and took my bowl. I growl at him, but he ignores me, placing the bowl in the sink.

“You'll be fine.” Was all he said before helping me out the chair and putting my backpack on my back. It was time to go.

“Bye Mom and Dad” I yell to my parents who were in the living room. They respond with a “have a nice day” as I slid my feet into my shoes.

Antony and Grey take my hands in theirs and lead me outside to their cars, “I'm riding with Grey.” I yell once we were in front of the garage.

I look up to see Antony tense, “you rode with him yesterday.” He whines.

“Well, let the girl choose!” Grey who tightens his hand around mine as Antony lets go, said mockingly.

“Pumpkin, if you ride with him today, you’re riding with me for the rest of the year. Got it?”

I sigh, “no way ho-sey.”

Grey and I hop in the car before Antony could protest, “that was a close one.” Grey giggles.


The ride to school didn't take long and as we pulled into the parking lots, an angry Antony met up to us.


Grey and I giggle at his frustration, causing him to send a death glare my way. I quickly shut my mouth as he grabbed my fingers.

Why was he so angry?

We didn't do anything harmful, just play around. But that was the thing about Antony; he was so strict and always wanting things perfect.

Unfortunately for Grey and I, we went with the flow and just let life carry us along.

“Chill man.” Grey said, his happiness fading too.

We entered the school and I began to feel even worst.

Even though Antony walked beside us, he felt so far away and always has. He was always like that unless he was doing some thing that greatly interested him. Like for one, our “first day of school” movie tradition.

My mind traveled back to that night as I realized girls where crowding around us, wanting my brothers’s attention. I smile to myself, allowing the thoughts to flood my mind. I remembered how everything was amazing that night, even down to the sleep I received. I had lost track of the amount of snacks and candy I ate and I knew we had a great amount of wrappers to clean up when we got home.

“Your first class is right here.” Grey says pulling me out of my thoughts. I walk inside and wave goodbye to both him and Antony, but didn't receive one back from Antony who instead kept walking. Grey smiled apologetically before heading off to his class.


It was the moment the whole class had been waiting for. And that moment was greatly approaching as Mr. Roger pulled out the paper with the group's for the math project.

I clasps my hands together as I waited, I hope I get someone good and that I would work well with.

My excitement built as he went through the list.

Everyone had gotten a partner and I was the only one left. Mr. Roger tucked the paper in his drawer and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

Why didn't I get a partner?

I raise my hand, waving it in the air to get his attention.

Finally he turned and caught sight of my hand.

“Yes Miss Lockwood?”

“I didn't receive a partner.” I say placing my hands on my desk.

Mr. Roger chuckled.

How was this funny?

“That's because your partner is late. I wanted to announce the names when both partners were present. Don't worry Miss Lockwood, he'll be here soon.”

If it was possible, my eyebrows furrowed closer together.


So my partner is a male?

“What's his nam-” I began to ask, but then he walked in, and by he, I meant then one and only; Alex Shavo.

“Oh! There he is!” Mr. Roger squeal in glee. I stare in shock as I realized who I was to be partnered with.

Alex Shavo?


Alex Shavo?!

“May I switch with someone?” I ask frightened.

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