Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"'s okay." Jimin was cuddled into Yoongi's side, face buried in his chest as he weddened Yoongi's clothing with tears. He had no idea why he suddenly began sobbing, and Jimin honestly didn't know why he was crying either. It just happened sometimes...Yoongi's tightened his grip around him. 

"You're okay Jimin." Jimin's body suddenly began shaking so much. "Jimin..." Yoongi kissed his head, trying to calm the boy down. "You're okay baby..." He felt Jimin nod against his throat. "Yeah?" They stayed in the cuddling position until Jimin's cries turned into sniffles. "What happened there baby? I just went to the bathroom and when I came back you were crying." 

It was a while after dinner, the two had decided to go back to Yoongi's bedroom. "I do-don't know, it just ha-happens some-sometimes." Yoongi frowned before caressing Jimin's cheek. "But my mom makes me take these pills, bu-but I don't know wha-what they're for." Yoongi's heart ached. 

"Doesn't it say on the bottle?" Jimin nodded. "But my mom tapes it over with yellow tape so I can't read it. She doesn't want me to know." "Did you ever ask her?" The younger nodded again. "But she just tells me to take them because the doctor says so. She thinks I'll get sad if I knew." Yoongi shook his head with a sigh. 

"That's not okay Jimin, it's your body. And you should know what you're doing to it and what's happening to it. Do you have the bottle?" 

"Mhm, it-it's in my bag."

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