Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Mr. Park came home, greeting his wife with a kiss on the cheek. "Where's Jimin?" "Up in his room with Yoongi, they're probably going to sleep now though." He merely nodded, walking upstairs, wanting to say goodnight to his son. 

But before he could knock on the door he stopped himself as he heard Jimin giggling. "And I love your cute little nose," Yoongi cooed, pecking the tip of Jimin's nose. "And I love your chubby cheeks," he kissed his cheek and Jimin continued to giggle. "And I love your plump lips," he kissed his lips. 

"Stooop," Jimin loudly whined before pushing Yoongi off him. He sighed to himself as he continued down the hall to his bedroom instead. He heard the giggles, the whining, and Yoongi's sentences. Lucky for them, he couldn't hear the sound of Yoongi's lips touching Jimin's skin. 


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