Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

"I guess my dad already left for work." Jimin says as he jumped onto the counter, making grabby hands at Yoongi. "So we should make breakfast," he mumbled, wrapping his arms around Yoongi's waist. Yoongi, who was standing in the middle of Jimin's spread legs. 

"What about your mom?" He muttered when Jimin was about to kiss him. "She's probably still sleeping," he whispered before planting his lips on Yoongi's. Yoongi put his hands on Jimin's hips as they frenched kissed. 

Jimin slid a hand up Yoongi's shirt by his back, touching his pale skin and Yoongi put a hand on his cheek, Jimin leaning into the touch. 

It wasn't until they heard loud coughing that they seperated. Jimin jumped off the counter. 

"Mo-mom-" "Oh it's not like I didn't already know," she rolled her eyes, beginning to make some coffee as she yawned. The two were still stood frozen. 

"Y-you-" "What do you expect when you come home with hickeys, which you suck at covering up by the way," she huffed. "You're okay with this Mrs. Park?" "I'm okay with you two being together, but I'm not okay with you two making out in my kitchen," she smiled. 

"Sorry mom." 


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