Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Silence. Jimin was surrounded by silence. It wasn't comfortable anymore. It led him to thinking, and that was never good for Park Jimin. So he called up Yoongi. "Jimin? It's 4am." "I don't feel very good." "Well maybe that's because it's 4am and you should be sleeping." "Hyung," Jimin's voice cracked as tears filled his eyes. 

"Hey...hey it's okay, what's wrong?" "I feel so em-empty but full at the same time. And it's so silent, I feel so alone," Jimin cried, but did his best to not be loud, not wanting to wake up his parents. 

"But you're not alone baby, you're not." "Hyung what's wrong with me?" Jimin held a hand to his mouth, swallowing the sob that was gonna leave his mouth as his body began shaking. "There's nothing wrong with you baby. Really, nothing. I promise." 

"Yoonie I want you...why aren't you here?" "Listen baby, we have school soon. You're gonna get up and get ready for school in two hours. Take a nap first, and there you'll see me. Before we have to go to class, I'll give you a hug and plenty of kisses. Alright? Can you go to sleep for just two hours, at least try? Do that for me, yeah?" 

Jimin nodded. "O-okay." "Good." "Goodnight hyung." "Goodnight sweetie." 

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