chapter 1

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***** What has been happening *****

After that message everything went kind of back to normal. Chris & Shawn are very protective if me and make sure I'm safe 24/7. Shawn hasn't hurt me since we got back together. In fact we even started thinking about our future together.

Trey and Christina are expecting a baby. Yeah we just got in college but I think they'll be great parents. Other than that they are together and very happy.

Miya and Chris are still the goofiest and are still together. Miya hasn't been playing that with these girls on Chris. Chris actually threatened niggas that were looking at Miya already.

As for me .. I'm working hard in college still, but I got in the game. I had to make fast money and Shawn wasn't gonna let me hop on no pole. Neither was Chris, so they got me a job at the trap and I learned how to handle a gun and everything.


We are on winter break in college now and are just relaxing. Shawn and I are just chillin in our dorm right now.

"Hey bae can you pass me a soda." Shawn asked.

"You got to feet, do you not?" I joke.

"Okay be like that." He says with a little attitude.

"Shawn." I say.

"Yea?" He replies.

"You think we are gonna be okay?" I ask.

"I'm gonna make sure we are." He says. Shawn starts walking from the mini fridge back to our little area where our television is. Then we heard a window break and Shawn's soda was everywhere.

"What just happened?" I ask shocked. Shawn picks up the soda can and looks at it. He walks towards me and shows me. There's a bullet hole in it.

"Someone just tried to shoot me." He says. He picks his phone up and dials a number.

"Bruhh, niggas found us. Time to start being more careful." Shawn says. I think he's talking to Chris. I'm guess by niggas he means whoever had been sending those texts. We been plotting though, and I'm more than ready to pop a 9 up someone's ass.

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