chapter 7

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» Shawn's POV «

While getting in my car I remember I still have Meslissa's phone. I take it out and text Trey:

"Melissa": I read your note meet me in the hospital lobby

Trey: Alright I'm on my way

*end of conversation*

I'm gonna beat his ass and he doesn't even know it. I don't care if I fucked up.. he should be worrying about his girl and only his girl. Plus that's his baby mama's cousin, he thinks he's gonna be with MY girl. This nigga gon' learn today. I sat on top of my car in the visiting parking lot waiting for Trey to come. Time went by and I heard a car coming, it was Trey, he stepped out his car and began walking then he saw me.

"Wassup man?" He asks.

"Why are you here?" I ask sighing.

"To see Melissa like everyone else." He says with a change of tone.

"Why the fuck you writing my girl notes?" I yell. I couldn't hold it in anymore. "You better leave her the fuck alone." I say pushing Trey a little.

"Or what? You don't treat her right anyway. You pushed her to the point where she was drinking and fucking smoking. And you know what happened to her mom when her and Chris were younger. All you do is fuck shit up for her. You're no help." Trey says. Right then and there I punch him. I was mad he mentioned Melissa's mom, basically when Chris and Melissa's dad stepped out their lives their mom began drinking and smoking. Leaving them to live on their own.

"Shut up cause you don't even know the fucking story. Yeah I make mistakes, but you're the nigga who's over here acting up. You got her cousin pregnant, and expect her to fall in love with you just like that! This is reality." I yell at him. He pushes me to a concrete pillar and I jack him up by his collar. Trey let me go and looked at me, I let him go too.

"You're nothing to Melissa. Wanna know why? Because when you were fucking around, so were we." He says walking away. I walk up behind him and punch him repeatedly then stomp him 'til I see blood. I smack him around a little.. he doesn't react. I just check his pulse, he's still breathing. Damn. What am I going to tell Christina, I want this nigga to suffer though? I grab my phone and call some of my boys from the trap so they can clean up for me and tie Trey up. Then I head back in the hospital. I walk in the girls' room and say hey.

"Christi, I have to tell you something before you find out." I say honestly.

"Anything." She says nodding her head.

"I beat Trey up not too long ago, he's not dead but I don't want him with you and I want him to suffer. You alright with that?" I ask.

"He could suck a dick for all I care. Just kill him. I've been talking to this cute ass guy named Elijah anyway." She says not caring.

"Who's Trey?" Melissa asks.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be back though." I say moving her hair out her face and kissing her forehead. I jog to my car and off to the trap.. time for this nigga to die. When I get there they were ready for me. I go to the basement to get it over with.

"What you gonna do, kill me? Knowing I have a kid on the way." He smirks.

"Nigga she doesn't need your whack ass, she got a nigga." I say loading my gun. "Anything else you want to cover?" I ask.

"Yeah. Tell Melissa I said she needs take care of our child." I shoot him right in the forehead.


With that I leave. But I leave wondering if Melissa really is pregnant, or if her and Trey were really messing around when I was with hoes. Instead of going back to the hospital, I go home. I need a break, I need to think what I'm going to do next.

» Next Morning «

It's 7 a.m and I hop in the shower. I take a 25 minute shower and the get out. I take out a plain red shirt, black cargo pants and my nike boots. Then I drive to the hospital. Today Christina gets out at 3 but Melissa has to stay for one more day. I walk in the room and see both of them sleeping, I sit on Melissa's bed and stroke her hair. She wakes up and looks up at me with a disgusted face.

"Why are you here?" She says rolling her eyes.

"What's up with the attitude?" I ask.

"Don't think I forgot you cheated on me Shawn I'm not stupid." She says turning the other way.


"Of course, how could I forget that you cheated on me with a hoe." She sighs.

"No listen! When you first woke up from your coma you had a little memory lost." I say turning her to face me. She looks past me and sees Christina.

"Why is Tina here?" She says referring to her by her nickname.

"She found out you were in the hospital and fainted. So Chris brought her here and try put her under observation. She's all good now." I say.

"Where's Trey why isn't he here?" She asks.

"Are you hungry?" I say getting up, dodging the question.

"Why isn't Trey here?" She asks. I start walking to the door and she runs after me. We here Christina mumbling. Melissa pushes me in the bathroom. "Answer my question Shawn!" She semi-yells.

"He's.. he's dead." I say. Melissa looks in my eyes and starts crying. I hush her and rub her back. "I have to ask you something important." I say lifting Melissa's chin.

"Okay." She sniffs.

"Did you cheat on me with Trey before?" I ask her. She looks away and tries to open the door to leave but I get in front of it and close it. "Did you or did you not?" I say.

"Yeah." She says looking in my eyes.

"How many times?" I ask.

"Kissing? or.." She trails off.

"Both." I reply.

"3 times, every time you cheated I went to Trey do he could comfort me and it just happened." She looks away.

"Well your still the love of my life. I don't care you cheated I deserved it." I say hugging her, at first she didn't hug back but then she did. "One last question.." I say as we pull away.

"Shoot." She says.

"Are you pregnant with Trey's child?" I ask. I feel my eyes getting puffy as she hesitates.

"No?" She says unsure.

"Really?" I say.

"I have to think." She says with a tear rolling down. I wipe it and nod.

"So you are pregnant." I say letting go of her.

"No I'm not." She says pushing me away.

"Don't touch me right now." I tell her.

"Give me my phone." She says with her hand out.

"Why? So you can text your man." I say.

"How the fuck do you sound?." She says to me.

"I'm trying so hard to be with you and you're- you're being so stubborn!" I yell at her in her face.

"Back up." She says pushing me.

"Don't touch me."

"Give me my phone and I swear you'll never have to see me or have anything to do with me." She says, her eyes are watery and pink.

"Babe no, I didn't mean.." She pushes me and walks out.

"Leave me alone." She says laying in the hospital bed.

» Melissa's POV «

All Shawn and I do is fight. I think I'm done.

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