chapter 8

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» Shawn's POV «

I didn't leave the hospital, I went to the food court to eat and think. When I went there I bumped into someone.

"Watch it she said turning around." We meet eyes, it's Melissa. "Ugh." She starts walking away, but I grab her arm.

"Look I don't want to fight." I say.

"But that's all we do! We never have a calm conversation anymore and you can't go without cheating on me." She says pushing me. We start getting stares.

"Can we talk somewhere, where people won't stare." I ask.

"Fine." She says. We out the food court outside and start walking. Finally I decide to break the silence.

"You know everyday you were in that coma I brought you flowers and stayed with you and talked to you. I even have up work outs for basketball to be with you. Even though I knew that you hated me for what I did, I was right there beside you." I tell her. She doesn't say anything, I put her on hush mode.
"But you're right we do fight a lot and I'm willing to stop just for you." She turns her head quick and looks at me.

"Look, you were right I am stubborn. But right when we hit the good in our relationship you cheat!" She says looking away. I stop walking and bring her close.

"Lissa I swear it was for your benefit." I say looking in her eyes. I pull her into a hug, but she pushes away.

"It's always the same." She says. "I got shot, you help me we get closer. Then Carli pops back up and you fuck her. You're just a sex machine, you can't keep your dick in your pants can you?" She says turning red.

"YOU DON'T FUCK ME! WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO?" I yell at her. She looks at me in disgust.

"Go with your $5 hoes then Shawn. And give me my phone." She says annoyed.

"No I'm keeping the shit, there must be something in here that you want it so bad." I say. She shakes her head and goes to her hospital room. I didn't mean it when I said she doesn't fuck me. She tries but it's always after she comes out the hospital and I don't want her to get hurt again. Lissa doesn't understand I love her and I'm sorry, but I guess I might as well just think. I drive my ass home and sit on the couch. I pull Melissa's phone and start going through it, she has 1,032 text messages. Man I swear everyone loves her, most of the texts are from this boy named Bishop. I look through to what he been saying to her.

Bishop: Hey babe <3
Bishop: Heard bout your accident you okay?
Bishop: I love you
Bishop: When you gonna keep over again?
Bishop: Shawty we needa roll one up together

That wasn't even half of the messages. I put Melissa's phone down and think before I do anything irrational. He sounds familiar like someone who works with us at the trap. That's when it hits me! I get up grab Melissa's phone and run out the door and hop in the car and get on my way to the hospital.

» Melissa's POV «

I'm kind of worried if Shawn goes through my phone because I have been talking to this guy Bishop from the trap. You can say he's like another guy bestfriend, but at the same time when I'm upset bout something he's down to fuck to make me feel better. No we haven't done anything but the way I describe Shawn to him makes him think he can treat me way better. Maybe he's right. I pick up the hospital and type in Bishop's number, he picks up on the first ring.

"Hello?" He says in a sexy tone, he sounds high.

"Hey, it's Melissa." I say smiling hard.

"How you doing bae?" He says. I could tell he was smiling now.

"Nothing I'm chilling, thinking." I say while looking at the empty bed beside me. Christina got discharged leaving me by myself but tomorrow I leave!

"Well stop thinking and talk to me." He says.

"Well I missed talking to you. My... um.. boyfriend still has my pho-" Before I could finish my sentence Shawn walks in the room. He throws the phone on the bed.

"I don't want you talking to him!" Shawn yells at me.

"Listen I'm going to talk to you later." I say. Before I could hang the phone up Shawn grabs it and says don't fucking talk to her anymore. "Really? You're going to be childish like that?" I say to Shawn.

"Is everything okay?" A nurse asks as she pokes her head in.

"Everything's fine." I say in a sweet voice.

"Bathroom now!" Shawn yells making me jump as he walks in the bathroom. I follow him in the bathroom when I walk in he locks the door and stands in front of it.

"Wassup?" I say.

"Why you messing with Bishop?" He asks.

"I wouldn't call it messing with him." I say playing with a paper towel.

"What's up with him asking when you coming over again?" He asks.

"I came over his house once to smoke a little is that a crime?" I ask with an attitude.

"Cut the fucking attitude! Are y'all fucking?" He yells.

"What?" I say shocked he asked me that.

"You heard me! Are y'all fucking?!" He yells again.

"No! Damn." I scream back.

"Good cause your mine!" He says then grabs me close. He bites my lips and asks for entrance in my mouth. I let him in and we let our tongues dance together. Shawn grabs my butt causing me to gasp he chuckles and doesn't break the kiss. He pushes the door open and picks me up to the bed, he starts kissing my neck and goes lower then stops. He gets of me and locks the room door and runs back to the bed.

"Shawn, I.. I love you." I manage to get out. He kisses me passionately.

"I love you and will always love you more Lissa. I'm sorry please." I nod and he takes his shirt off. I push him back and run over his abs with my fingers while biting my lip. He takes my shirt off and smirks, then he takes my shorts off. Shawn starts kissing from my neck all the way down to my thigh, he sucks on my inner thigh and looks up. I got goosebumps already. He slowly takes my panties off with his teeth and kisses my spot softly. Then he starts eating me out, I hold my moans in because we still are in the hospital. He keeps going until my legs start shaking. When I finally cum, Shawn checks his pockets for a condom but can't find it.

"I don't have a condom." He sighs in frustration. I check my bag, I don't have sex a lot but Chris always says be prepared. I pull a condom out my bag and give it to Shawn. I take his pants off and his boxers and smile at how big he is. He slides the condom on and I hop on top, he holds my hips and I ride him like a pro. Shawn starts groaning a little louder after awhile so he switches our positions and decides to hit it from the back. I'm not gonna lie I was tired already we probably been doing it for an hour. Finally Shawn came and he laid behind me with his arm around my waist.

"Lissa." He whispers.

"Yeah?" I say back.

"That's wasn't me fucking you, I made love to you." He says kissing my bare shoulder.

"Aww. But Shawn don't lie to me. Was I better than Carli?" I ask.

"Not even!" He says. I slap him. "Naw I'm just kidding! You had me groaning and what not. I love you babe, take me back?" He says on my neck.

"Yeah. But if you cheat on me one more fucking time.. nigga I swear you won't ever be able to use your dick again." I say serious as hell.

"Now my dick hurt!" He whines.

"You think we gon' last?" I ask.

"No doubt." He says grabbing me tighter and kissing my neck as I fall asleep.

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