chapter 12

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- 2 weeks later -

* Melissa's POV *

It's graduation day! Everyone is happy and graduating so today should go excellent. We are all waiting for me to get my diploma now. It's weird usually I would've been called up to get my diploma.

"Lastly and certainly not least. This student has been through a lot but stil mad it on the dean's list, Melissa Jones!" I smiled bright as I go and get my diploma and shake the principals hand but on my way to my seat Carli passed me I walked to my seat. But I felt a stinging in my side.

"Shawn, I don't feel good. See you at the dorm?" I say as I hold my side.

"Yeah." He kissed my cheek and I went to the dorm. Right when I walked in I took my cap and gown off under I had a crop top and leggings.

"Shit." I mumble to myself.

"Melissa?" Ty calls.

"Yeah it's me Ty." I say trying to look at what's going on with this stinging. Ty walks in and looks at me and walks faster to me.

"What happened?" He said grabbing paper towel.

"After I got my diploma Carli passed me then I felt a stinging. What is it?"

"She cut you Melissa. I'll clean it for you, you good if I sew it up?" I nod yes. "Alright lay on the couch this is going to take a while." I sigh. Can't even make the best of mr graduation. Ty comes back with a sew kit and alcohol & paper towel. He puts some alcohol on a paper towel and cleans the cut I take it like it's nothing.

"You're a tough shawty." He says. I think he was trying to keep my mind off of what he was doing."

"It doesn't really hurt like a bullet." I say.

"You got shot?" He says and looks up at me.

"Yeah." I laugh.

"Shawn never told me that. Has anything else happened to you?" He asks as he puts the needle through my skin and starts sewing it up.

"I got into a bad car crash. And now I got stabbed. Not TOO bad." I say which causes him to laugh.

"You know you're like a little sister to me?" I nod. "And if you need anything or Shawn doesn't anything you call me and I'll be there. Alright." He smiles at me.

"Alright." I smile back.

"I'm done. You need to rest though cause you're gonna be sore." He says packing everything aways.

"But Ty! That's boring. I need to do something." I suck my teeth.

"Here's your phone and here's the controller for the Xbox now relax!"

"Well I be okay to go to the party tonight?" I whine.

"Yeah. I'm gonna call Shawn and Chris to tell them what happened." He says. I nod and lay down and close my eyes and just think. I have to make the best of today.

- couple of hours later -

"Melissa wake up." Ty says shaking me a little.

"Huh?" I say.

"Shawn and Chris are here. Need help?" He says calmly.

"Oh, let me try." I say. I sit up nice and easy.

"Aye ok. Miss independent." He laughs. I look to the door and see Shawn and Chris standing there. "Y'all acting like I'm naked come in." I yell. Right when Chris comes in I fell his anger.

"You alright?" They both say.

"I'm fine. How about you guys?" I ask.

"Uh well I'm good." Shawn says like he's nervous. This nigga knows I know him better then he knows how to put the toilet seat down.

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