chapter 20

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• Melissa's POV •

» 1 month later «

I am officially pregnant. I think Shawn and I still got together too quickly though. Our baby is suppose to come on Shawn's birthday. Only people I've told is Miya, Chris, Ty, and Jae. I want it to be a surprise for Shawn even though I drop light hits here in there.

"Babe I'm going to the store. You don't need tampons or anything?" He asks me.

"Nope haven't really been having my period lately." I say bluntly.

"That's weird but I'll be back okay." I hear the front door close. That was a huge ass hint and he didn't realize. But then I hear the front door open.


"I'm glad your happy baby." I say as I kiss Shawn's lips.

"That's why you were saying all that when we went to the mall and saw baby things! Lissa we gotta get ready we have to buy things do things." He starts pacing.

"Shawn calm down. We got this okay." I tell him.

» Unknown POV «

"Christina baby, you sure you wanna do this?" I ask her as hold her from behind.

"Yes, I'm sure." She says as she turns around and kisses me.

"Okay in 1 year." I say.

"1 year. She's having a baby so we gotta wait some." She tells me and hugs me.

"Alright baby. You got it." I say as we look at the sky together.

• 9 months later •

"Shawn I'm so skinny for a pregnant person. It looks like I just gained some weight." I complain to Shawn.

"Baby it's okay just wait till our baby boy comes, you'll be back to your normal self again." He tells me as he rubs my stomach.

"What if it's a girl?" I say. I don't wanna know the gender so I refused to let the doctor tell us. Shawn swears it's a boy.

"No! It's a boy!" He says getting upset.

"Okay crybaby calm down." I say walking to the kitchen.

"Babe." Shawn says.

"What." I say as I turn around.

"I love you." He says and kisses me.

"I love you too." I say as I hug him.

"What do you wanna do today?" He asks me.

"To be honest I want sex. But I can't have it!" She whines.

"You don't need it yet ma." I laugh at her.

"Well I guess I'll just chill and watch movies with you." I sigh.

"Boss might want me to do something." He says.

"So I can help. I'm apart of the trap too." I say upset.

"You can't. I can't lose you and my baby. I promise you when you get well enough to go a run again and boss had something for us I'll make sure I take you." He tells me.

"Fine. Can we atleast watch movies till he calls you?" I ask.

"Sure baby girl." He says. Shawn puts in a movie and we watch it. We both drift asleep but I wake up when I feel something on me. At first I thought I spilled my water on myself. Then I realized what was happening. The baby was due tomorrow though.

"Shawn wake the fuck up before I rip your ear off!" I yell.

"What is wrong with you!" He yelled back.

"My water broke you little bitch!" I yell. He checks the time.

"Hey it's my birthday! It's 12:09 am. You have to say happy birthday before you can give birth to our child." He says. I jack him up by his shirt

"If you don't get me to a damn hospital right now I will kill you." I say.

"Okay okay. I'll go get the bag you go to the car. I went to the car and Shawn ran to the car. He zoomed to the hospital. When we reached the hospital I walked in.

"I'm having my baby right now." I yell. A doctor takes me to a room and gets to work immediately.

» Shawn's POV «

They put me in scrubs and I stood by Melissa and held her hand. A male doctor came.

"Oh hello no! You're not looking down there." I yelled.

"Shut up! Get this out of me." Melissa yelled.

"1... 2... 3 push." Melissa screamed in pain and squeezed the shit out of my hand.

"One more time." The doctor said.

"Ughhhhh." Melissa pushed and I heard crying.

"It's a boy!" He yells.

"Yes!" I yell. They give Melissa the baby.

"What do you want to name him?" She asks me.

"Drew Rakeem Jones." I say.

"DJ. Hey Drew. You and your daddy have the same birthday." She says to him.

"Can I hold him?" I ask. She nods and hands him off to me.

"Hey lil guy. You're so cute. You gon get all the bitches." I rock him and me and Melissa chuckle.

"This is our family." Melissa says.

"No wait. I'll be right back." He goes in the hall and comes back with Miya, Chris, Ty and Jae.

"This is our family." He smiles.

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