chapter 16

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- Melissa's POV -

"How do I know if my baby is okay?" I ask Ty.

"Let's take you to the hospital." He says. "You go in the passenger seat and take my phone and text Shawn but don't say it's you." I nod.

"Ty": Melissa is going to the hospital.

Shawn: Why what happened? What's wrong with her?

"Ty": She's pregnant. Or she was.

Shawn: Fuck. I'm coming y'all at the hospital down the street?

"Ty": Yeah.

"Here Ty. He's coming." I tell Ty.

"Okay, we're here. Let's go." Ty says as he takes his phone and we get out the car. We walk in to the hospital

"Yes?" The receptionist asks.

"My friend she needs to check on her baby." Ty says not knowing what to say.

"Okay the doctor will be right out." She says. I nod and we wait in the waiting area then a doctor comes to us.

"You guys here to check on the baby?" He asks.

"Yes." I fake smile. We walk in a room and I lay down on the chair. I lift my shirt up so the doctor can put the gel on my stomach that hasn't formed yet.

"Umm.." He begins.

"What's wrong?" I sigh.

"You're baby.. Ma'am your baby doesn't have a heartbeat. I'm sorry." He says and walks out. I feel tears swell in my eyes and Ty hugs me. I hear someone open the door. Then Ty let's go of me and someone holds me again. I look up to see Shawn. I immediately let go. I walk out the room with both of them following me.

"Excuse me doc. Is there a way I get my baby out of me?" I ask. He nods and walks by me.

"Your baby is small so it's still an egg. It will just be like you're having you're period again." He says.

"Okay thanks." I nod and walk out.

"Melissa." I keep walking and get to the car. Shawn gets in the passenger side and Ty gets in Shawn's car.

"I know you hear me." Shawn says as I start driving back to our college. We have a silent drive home no eye contact or anything at all. I stop the car and get out and go inside our dorm. I sit on the couch and pull my phone out and call Christina and Miya on a three way.

"The baby didn't make it." I tell them.

"What happened?" They both ask.

"I'll tell you later? Bye." I sigh.

"Melissa." Shawn says.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked agitated.

"I want you to fucking talk to me and stop acting like this!" He yells at me.

"You're the one that killed our unborn child!" I yell back at him.

"It's not my fault you wanted to be smart with me." He says.

"Nigga you started." I say getting up.

"Forget it. Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" He asks.

"Didn't think it mattered to you." I say.

"Anything dealing with you or my future with you matters." Shawn says grabbing me into a hug.

"Don't touch me!" I say as I brush past him.

"Melissa calm the fuck down." He yells at me.

"How can I? You killed my baby. Fuck you Shawn, I hate you." I yell and push him.

"You don't mean that." Shawn says with hurt in his eyes.

"I hate you. You're a cheater. An abuser. And an asshole. Thanks for doing this to me. All of this. You're stupid ass can't even stick to one girl. We're done! Go fuck anyone you want Shawn. Congrats you're now officially single." I say and put my back on the door.

"No. Congrats to you now you can be the hoe you were meant to be." I look at Shawn like he's crazy.

"Nice to know." I go into our room and start taking the rest of my clothes and putting them in a bigger suitcase.

"Where are you going?" He asks me.

"I'm gonna be the hoe I was meant to be." I say mocking his voice.

"I didn't mean it okay. I just needed something to say." He says sliding his hand down his face.

"No you said it." I take me and my stuff and walk to the door and look in the living room.

"So you're just gonna leave me?" He asks.

- Shawn's POV -

"Yeah. I just need to get something." Melissa says as she goes in the living room moves the sofa and pulls out a gun.

"We can't work this out?" I ask her calmly.

"You showed me what you wanted. It doesn't seem to be us. Look you'll see me around the trap but, we're done." She says and opens the door.

"Melissa, I love you. I'm serious. I'm horrible and say shit but it's not intentional. What happened to having our son and getting married and riding this out together?"

"You need to get your shit together. Then call me." She walks out and goes to her car.

"Promise me you won't go and replace me though." I say to her embarrassed a little.

"I promise." She says as she shuts her trunk. She looks at me and a tear falls from her eye.

"Bye Shawn." She says.

"Bye Lissa." I sigh. She pulls out and speeds off.

Short update 😬

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