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We're back home from touring for a few months and it's nice to be off the road; at least I think it is. Slash loves touring, he'd do it all the time if he had his way but I like being at home; especially when all I really have to do is write music, ride my motorcycle and spend time with the beautiful boy who holds my heart in his hands. Being back in LA has been hard for both of us; "friends" coming out of the woodwork and people all over us everywhere we go. It's made it hard to go out anywhere without being recognized or swarmed by fans. "Sweet Child" hit it big on MTV and the response from fans has been huge. But literally having our clothes ripped by a crazy mob sucks. We can't go clubs-people are swarming all over us. We can't go and hang out in the dingy bars on the strip that we like-people swarm us. Slash and I can't even go to dinner; we tried once and people wouldn't leave us alone long enough to eat! Don't get me wrong it's great to have fans and money and anything you want at your fingertips but it's scary as hell to walk into a bar and be surrounded by tons of people pushing you up against a wall and pulling your clothes off your body.

Everybody's dealing with it in a different way. Slash and I spend a lot of our time numbing ourselves to it by getting high. Duff drinks like a fish, Steven's out of control with the drugs, and Axl, well he spends most of his time either locked in his room or beating up his girlfriend Erin. We haven't really spoken much since the night he showed up at my hotel room at four in the morning. He's been messing with Slash though. Slash said he tried to come on to him one night backstage like he did with me; ever since then he makes sure he sticks close to me or Duff when forced to be in situations where he'd have to be in the same place as Axl for very long. I haven't said anything to Axl; I'm afraid it would make it worse. Telling him to stay the fuck away from Slash would only make him go after him; better not to give him any attention because that's what he's trying to get.

The record company has moved us out of our shitty apartment and into a nice house in the hills. Everyone has their own rooms and there are balconies and a swimming pool. When no one's home I like to fuck Slash in that pool...but then I like doing that anywhere and everywhere. Finding new places to fuck has become a little game between us. I found a private beach with an absentee owner where we can lay in the shade under the deck of the empty house and have sex and sleep all day with no one bothering us. Slash found a dusty storage room above the recording studio where we're working on a few acoustic songs for an EP. I found a way onto the roof of one of the shitty bars we hang out in. Being somewhere we're not supposed to be adds some excitement to what's already great sex.
The relationship isn't getting old either, maybe because we give each other space. Slash doesn't complain when I go and ride my motorcycle alone for hours and I don't complain that he hangs out in the private rooms at the Cathouse and fucks strippers. It's not like I don't still fuck my fair share of girls. They're everywhere and constantly offering favors so we all take advantage of it. But he still wakes up wrapped around me in the morning so I don't care how many chicks he fucks; all of us want pussy and it's readily available so he might as well get as much as he wants as long as he only loves me.

That's the other reason it never gets old because for the first time someone genuinely loves me. He's not using me, he doesn't ask for anything, he doesn't argue with me, he's not jealous, he just loves me. When he comes home he always brings me something to eat, he always asks about what I did during the day, he lets me ramble on about whatever it is I've been thinking about all day, he's happy to lay in bed and watch TV and let me hold him. He always makes sure to pick up cigarettes and gin for me when he stops at the liquor store to buy his jack and his own smokes. I think my favorite thing though is the fact that I get one of his gorgeous smiles every time he sees me. Yes, there are things that aggravate me like the fact that he would sleep all day if I let him and that he's a slob and leaves his dirty clothes all over my room and the bathroom instead of just putting them in the hamper. He never rinses out the sink when he shaves and it makes me want to smack him sometimes but those are little things compared to everything he does to make me feel cared for. I just pick up his clothes and rinse out the bathroom sink.

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