The Bomb

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The morning sunshine breaks through the curtains and I crack my eyes open and smile at the sight of Izzy sleeping quietly beside me. GHe actually slept through the night; no coughing, no snoring, no choking, he just slept. Finally. I sit up and lightly kiss his face but he doesn't stir so I quietly get up and go downstairs to the kitchen to make coffee.

I have the filter put in the machine and am reaching for a spoon when a hand clamps over my mouth and I'm shoved against the counter. I grunt as the air's pushed out of my lungs and I'm shoved up against the counter. I don't even have time to react before a hand's shoved down my shorts and wrapped around me. Only the person behind me isn't Izzy; they're too short. It's Axl. I still have morning wood and he's touching me,what the fuck is going on? I struggle and try and push him off and he does let go of my mouth causing me to let lose a funny sound as I suck in air-just as Izzy walks into the kitchen.

His eyes go wide as he takes in the scene in front of him: Axl, his hand down my pants, me hard in his hand, gasping as my mouth is released only Izzy doesn't know that he just let go of my mouth and I need air. Izzy's jaw drops and everything feels like it's in slow motion as I watch his heart shatter into a million tiny, sharp, broken fragments. I elbow Axl off of me and Izzy yells "What the fuck?!" and launches himself at me. The back of my head slams into the side of the refrigerator and we slide down into the floor.

Then Izzy's hitting me and I can't fight him back, I wouldn't anyway but my head, oh god, what just happened?! Axl pulls Izzy off of me and the two of them start slugging it out. Izzy finally pins him to the wall and they start hitting each other and pulling each other's hair again and then they're on the floor beside me and I reach out to pull Izzy towards me but he just reaches over and shoves me away from him. "Don't touch me you asshole!" he yells at me.

"Izzy, no, it's not what you think!" I tell him desperately.

"Liar! How could you do this to me? Why did you tell me you loved me if you were only going to do this?!" he screams, his voice breaking in anguish.

"I didn't do anything! He just came in here a second before you did and shoved his hand down my pants!" I tell him weakly, pain throbbing through my head and making things sort of spin and tilt around the room.

"Yeah, that's why you were hard in his hand making noise!" he snarls.

"I wasn't making any noise! He had just taken his hand off of my mouth when you walked in here! Don't you see?! He knew you were coming! He did it on purpose! I'm hard because it's morning and I haven't take a piss yet! Why would I do something that would hurt you?" I ask him.

"I don't know," he says quietly and jumps up and runs out of the kitchen. I wouldn't believe me either.

"No,Izzy!" I try and call after him but everything goes dark.

I wake up to Duff pressing an ice bag against the back of my head which feels like it's going to explode with pain. I groan and he looks down at me and says my name as I try and focus on his face. My head throbs with the effort and I close my eyes again. Duff keeps calling my name and I finally manage to whisper "I'm awake, where's Izzy?"

"Izzy's in his room," he tells me. "But you're going to the hospital to get your head looked at."

"I want Izzy, please Duff, I want Izzy, I didn't do it!" I say quietly but even that effort sets off the throbbing in my head. I try and fight off the pain and the dizziness and sit up, I want to get to Izzy, but everything just goes black again.

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