The Sex Happens Now

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Holy shit! I had almost forgotten how good sex with Izzy feels. He'd been sick for two weeks with pneumonia and today's the first day he really seems to feel good. He'd gotten up and headed for the shower this morning and I heard the water turn on and closed my eyes to back to sleep but then Izzy's back. He pulls the blankets away from me and runs his hand up my back. "Want to shower with me baby doll?" he asks and grins. He must be feeling better because he's smiling; I haven't seen that smile in almost two weeks!

"Mmm," I groan "are you feeling better gypsy boy?" He doesn't answer; he just captures my lips with his and pushes me onto my back. I kiss him back hungrily; I'm starving for his touch. I've missed this more than I knew. His hands roam over my body and when he strokes my cock I gasp; surprised at the pulse that runs through it when his fingers wrap around me.

He laughs softly "Miss me much pretty baby?" he questions me.

"Just a little," I answer and he pumps me again. "Izz!" I cry out and he fuses his lips to mine again. I let him pull me out of bed and lead me down the hall to the bathroom and into the shower. Both of us need this so fucking bad but in true Izzy fashion he slows the pace down. Like I need much to get worked up! I feel his erection rub against mine and my hands grip his hips and pull him into me; grinding myself hard against him.

"Slow down baby doll," why are you always in such a hurry? We don't have anything else to do," he whispers in my ear.

"I know I just want you so much," I pant as he runs his tongue down the side of my neck and then nips at my collar bone. I return his caresses eagerly, nibbling on his earlobe when he comes up for air. Finally after playing with me for god knows how long he picks up a bottle of conditioner and slicks his fingers up with it.

"Turn around and put your hands on the wall," he growls, his voice thick with want. I do as he asks and he smears my opening with the thick, slippery substance. He moves slowly, pushing one finger into me and sucking on the base of my neck. I whine when he pushes a second finger into me and he brings his free hand up to stroke my cock so I'll have something to think about other than the fact that my ass is hurting. When he finally eases his second finger all the way in he starts to stretch me; slowly scissoring his fingers back and forth; making sure that I'll be open enough to take him. He knows what he's doing and his fingers glide up and over my prostate and I cry out in a rush of pleasure. "That's it baby, you like that?" he asks and does it again drawing another moan out of me. I feel Izzy's grip tighten around my cock. He keeps moving his fingers, knowing that he's making me feel incredible and whispering in my ear about how he's been wanting me for weeks, about how big my cock is and how he's been waiting to feel me inside of him, about how tight I am and how he can't wait until he's inside of me.

I feel tension building inside of me, Izzy's carefully aimed touch inside of my body is making me go weak in the knees and I'm leaning heavily on the wall. He's using his fingers to stroke and tease and he knows I'm close to blowing my load. "Izzy, I'm gonna cum baby...!" I blurt out to him.
"I know, you always cum for me baby doll; who else makes you feel this good?" he asks wickedly.

"Nobody," I moan and just keep moaning as his touch causes waves of pleasure to ripple through me. Then my groin tightens and I explode in Izzy's hand grunting like some kind of animal. Out of the corner of my eye I see him smile and he plays until I grip the hand he has wrapped around my dick; I need the sensation to stop for a few minutes.

"I love watching you cum baby doll," he whispers into my neck. I whimper and he slides his fingers out of me chuckling. He turns me around; his hand moving to the back of my neck and his lips on mine. His kiss is deep and filled with emotion. His tongue gently prods my lips and I open my mouth and practically dissolve into his kisses. He explores my mouth and I do the same; two weeks of longing pouring out through my lips. I groan into his mouth and fist his hair with one hand; the other around his waist pulling him close to me. My hand moves from his hair down his back and around the front of his body; moving over the familiar planes of his chest and down his stomach. He sucks in his breath in anticipation as my fingers slide over the dark trail of hair running from his belly button down to the dark hair surrounding his cock.

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