The First Kill

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Requested by : obsessivereader17

Rose's POV

"So I got in line at the cafeteria and Jesse came up to me started talking about what happened in class yesterday," said Lissa, frowning.

We were sitting in the library, browsing through some books, pretending we were working on assignments. Lissa was doing all the talking though, which was quite unusual. I wasn't sure what exactly she was telling me, to be honest. My mind was somewhere else.

"What happened in class yesterday?" I asked, distracted.

Lissa sighed and rolled her eyes. "I told you literally two minutes ago."

I bit my lip. "Really? I zoned out sorry."

She sighed again and closed the book in front of her. "Okay," she said, giving me an annoyed smile. "What's wrong with you? Usually, it's impossible to make you stop talking but you haven't said a word today."

"I know, sorry. I just keep thinking about my Qualifier. Dimitri and I are gonna leave sometime today and I really don't know what's gonna happen. It's not the kind of test that you can study for. I'm just a bit nervous, that's all," I said, relieved that I could pour my heart out to my best friend.

"Well," said Lissa, "I'm sure it'll go perfectly well. You're better than all the other novices." I knew that Lissa truly believed what she said but it was a test that you were supposed to take during junior year and I was afraid that they were going to be more strict with me since I'd be taking it a year after everyone else. "Speaking of," she continued. "Look behind you."

I turned around, curious. Dimitri was heading towards our table, a concerned look on his face. "We have to leave now," he said, when he came up to us.

"What?" I exclaimed. "We're not supposed to leave for another three hours!"

"I know but there're a storm coming and they're going to block the roads in a few hours, so if we want to get there before tomorrow, we have to leave now."


"I mentally prepared myself to leave in three hours," I groaned when we got into the car. It was dark outside – barely lunch time for the Moroi – and the ground was covered in a white coat of snow. Today was the first weekend of Christmas break and all my friends were already talking about what they would do during all their free time. I wasn't as lucky, though. Kirova still wanted me to keep training with Dimitri until New Year's.

"You'll have five hours to prepare yourself before we get there," said Dimitri, starting the car.

I blushed. Five hours in a car alone with Dimitri? "So, who is it?" I asked, trying to get my mind to think of something else.

Dimitri glanced my way. "The guardian were going to?" I nodded. "Arthur Schoenberg," he said, smirking.

My heart missed a beat. "Arthur Schoenberg? Are you serious?" He nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. "I knew it. Kirova really wants to see me fail. She hates me and she knew that this was the only way to get rid of me." I turned to Dimitri. "It was nice knowing you, comrade."

He laughed. "Calm down." Dimitri could have said anything, just the sound of his voice was calming. "Kirova had nothing to do with this. You're going to be fine. You're good, Rose. I know you don't always believe it, but you are good. Art's going to love you."

I smiled shyly, blushing at his praise. Dimitri's eyes left the road for a few seconds and he looked at me, giving me one of his rare smiles. My heart skipped a beat again.

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