28) fall

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t a e h y u n g

only a few hours had passed since jungkook left him but taehyung was already missing the boy's presence but thanks to his subconcious that he was able to keep himself sane 'cause ain't the end of the world gonna wait for his sexual fanfasies.

setting his backpack down on the carpeted floor, taehyung pinned his hair with a purple paperclip and roamed around the books he just spent a good thirty minutes to find in school's central library where he was currently in.

surely, he knew greek well thanks to his god genes but complcations of the informations written in this book struck him like a truck when he first flipped the pages. so yeah... there he was, sitting in a quiet as hell library with a pile of books in front of his face.

from what google said, a book of prophecy by greeks held a great power of olympians. and it contained the steps to bring the last day for living creatures. the other thing was that he had to stop himself from burning the damn book to ashes when he found out it was made of a sacrifice's skin and written with its blood.

grimacing, he shook his head to knock some sense into himself and continued to browse the book, with the help of greek mythical thesis lying before him.

as jin and his mom said, the death of the creation of moon goddess, aka himself, was the last step for this prophecy. but the other things killing him like...

fall of the god

diviner's blood

immemorial predator

undead heart of a pureblood

what the fuck ????

frustrated, taehyung rubbed his face, heaving out a sigh. the description for each step was mentioned in the book but they were beyond his knowing because they're not only in greek but in some other kind of picture language he couldn't make a sense out of.

his drained attention was immediately brought back when his eyes spot a certain single sentence written with all in bold letters which said,

"all materials will gather on eastern peninsula once the demon started to rise and in no longer time, the day of judgement will come."

taehyung frowned, his brows almost touching as he said the words out.

all materials... and they say i'm the last.

grabbing his phone, he dialled his mother's number. biting his nails, not trying to freak out of the sudden memory got into his mind.

"tae? what's wrong honey?"

"mom. tell me about joon hyung's parents."

"namjoon? why do - "


people threw some unpleasant looks at him but he was in the condition to care for those when the lifespan of the earth was depending on the answer of his mother.

"joonie was selene's brother's son. as you know, selene identifies the moon while her brother helios does the sun. but joon was kinda special cause his mother was other lunar goddess, artemis who was also one of the olympians."

"so, you mean... he belonged to olympus."

"no. and it's not a very good thing."

"mom please!"

"okay. yes, you're right. he was. but poor joonie was banned from olympus cause he was born when artemis was supposed to be a virgin goddess. i'm one of them but i still can't understand why they would do this. the kid is innocent. i mean - "

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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