Out Of My Life

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I wish I had the courage to say all this to my ex but I still love him and I fucking want him back just as badly as he claims to want me. I need sleep.

What did I tell you? Didn't I tell you never to come near me again? Didn't I saythat I never wanted to see your face again? 

I don't want you anywhere near me. I don't want you in my line of sight. I don't want you in my general proximity. I don't want you in my fucking environment.

I don't want you to fucking touch me and think that it'll make everything better, because it won't. It'll just make me angrier. It'll just hurt me more.

So just get the fucking hell out of my already depressing and worthless life. If you don't get out of it, I'll get out of it. And it'll be all your fault.

I'd move to motherfucking Pluto but then I wouldn't be able to breathe. Maybe that's for the best. It's better than breathing trumberjacks. I bet you don't even get the reference because you only pretend you know me and you pretend you care about me when it's so blatantly obvious that you don't give a fucking snake's eyelid about me. And guess what? Snakes don't have eyelids!

I've made up my mind. I don't want you in my life. I don't want someone that only causes me pain to be the sun to my orbit. I don't want anything to do with you anymore.

So, either you move your flat ass out of my life or I'll take the next rocket to Pluto and ducking die there.

Being dead is better than loving a man so void of emotions for the woman he claims to love.

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