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As I woke up I saw that he had dragged one of the chairs from the dining table to right beside my bed and slept on that with one of his cheeks squished on the chair.

As it was right next to my bed I sat there for a while observing his features more than I ever had. His eyes, the length of his eyelashes, the two adjacent moles that made his eyes more attractive than everyone else's.

His perfect nose his beautiful and numerous piercings his plump lips that were slightly parted as he slept. I gave him an angel kiss on the moles above his left eye.

As I pulled away he fluttered his eyes open looking at me smiling. "Staring at me while I sleep huh [Y/N]?" He asked smirking.

I hit his shoulder jokingly and got up to go to the washroom. "Get up idiot we have to eat breakfast and get to work. You're tour starts from tomorrow we have a flight to catch."

"Yes ma'am~" he replied in a sleepy voice. I went to the washroom brushed my teeth washed my face and went to eat breakfast.

Ok so if anyone is confused angel kiss is basically a normal kiss but on the eyes.

MINE.  [I.J.B. x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now