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When they got home, Kat disappeared. At first, she went to Cam’s room but then she found his guitar and a way to the roof. She climbed and stayed in the roof playing for hours! The guys were starting to panic when she decided to come down.

“Where the hell were you?”-Danny asked.

“In the roof.”


“I was playing guitar… Sorry, I borrowed it without asking.”-Cam laughed.

“Now you have to pay me. I want to hear you playing.”

“Sure.”-She started playing one of her own songs. The guys seemed to be children, sitting on the floor, listening to some old lady reading them a story. They were in complete silence, trying not to miss a thing! When she finished no one talked, like they were waiting for more.-“This is an original…”

“Shit…”-Ben whispered after some time.

“What? You didn’t like it?”



“Hey!”-He seemed mad.

“What?”-Kat was completely confused.

“How dare you?! How dare you to be as good as I am?!”-They all laughed.

“That’s my dream, Ben”-She smiled and, involuntarily, bit her lip.

“Don’t!”-Ben screamed.


“Don’t do that… I won’t be able to hold myself.”-Kat laughed and so did the guys but Ben wasn’t joking. He was actually starting to feel something for Kat.

“So, what are we going to do tonight?”-Danny asked excited.-“We could go fuck some shit up.”

“I’m in!”-Kat and Ben said at the same time and then laughed.

“Then, let’s have dinner and go!”

It was one of the best nights of her life, until Steve found her…

“Kat?!”-He asked surprised. Ben and Cam made sure he realized they were there too.-“Ben? Cam? What the hell is going on?”

“I know everything, Steve.”-Cam said calmly.

“Oh no, you don’t! I bet she told you a total different story like she always does! Kat, you’re a fucking liar!”

“Get out of my way.”-She told him without showing how terrified she really was.


“Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Way!”-She screamed.

“Oh, you can go. I couldn’t care less. But I’ll have a conversation with the boys and tell them the truth.”

“Steve, you’re nothing but a motherfucking cunt! No one wants to talk to you. Now, move!”

“Oh, yeah? Why? You filled their heads with your lies, you bitch!”

“I only told them the truth.”-All that was starting to get to her. If you’ve never been in an abusive relationship, you can’t possible imagine how she was feeling. It takes a shit load of courage to stand up for yourself in front of someone who once hurt you so bad. The rest of the guys appeared behind Steve and he didn’t even notice.

“Oh, really?! Then eat this, you fucking whore!”-He jumped on her. The guys grabbed him. The plan was to get him away from her but Ben felt this rage inside of him… So… So fucking big! He started hitting him and no one was able to stop him. Only the guards. All of them were sent out, except Steve. He was sent to the hospital. Ben hit him hard…

“What a night…”-Ben said when they got home.

“I can’t believe this… It’s probably the first time we get home sober”-Danny laughed.

“Yeah, Ben had to save his little doll”-James laughed.

“Oh, shut up!”-Ben ran to his room, red as hell!

Eventually, all of them went to sleep soon. Cam and Kat were still sleeping in the same bed.

“So…”-He said. They were laid but still awake, both staring into the dark.-“How are you?”

“Fine.”-Kat answered without moving.-“You?”

“Same.”-The silence filled the air again.

“Do you… Oh, never mind.”

“No, tell me!”-Cam sat on the bed and turned on the light right beside him. She didn’t move.

“Do you think Ben…”

“Likes you?”

“No… Do you think he really said those things about me to James?”

“Look, Kat, I’m going to be 100% honest with you okay? I believe Ben overreacted. Like, you’re cool and shit but he doesn’t even know you… and besides he was completely drunk! I also believe Ben didn’t say half of the things James said he did.”

“Thanks.”-She felt something for Ben, it was impossible to deny but she felt the same about the other band members. It was a different kind of love… However, what Cam said was far from what she wanted to hear.

“Is that… Is that sadness on your voice?”-He smiled.

“No!”-She also sat in the bed.-“I don’t love Ben!”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely!”-She knew that was a lie and Cam knew it too.

“Alright.”-He turned to the side and turned off the light. Before falling asleep, he smiled. It was pretty obvious that those two would end up together. Kat turned to the side and it took some time for her to fall asleep. She couldn’t be in love with Ben… She couldn’t make the same mistake again.

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