Laito x Reader (smut)

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Every breath you took made it worse. The sensation of the rope. Around your waist, arms, legs. Any slight movement was a tug. The blindfold made it worse. Completely blind. Not knowing what was to come. Making you more sensitive.
A chill went down your spine. For a small breeze hit you. A warm smooth breath which was causing you excruciating pain and yet the upmost pleasure. Anymore and you were going to lose it. This was another one of Laitos games. You know he only wants you to plead for release. You holding back your whimpers made it hard to even think about speaking. 
You can sense him smirking. Probably thinking about what else will make you lose your mind. Even the sound of his shoe taping caused you to flinch making the rope tighten around your thighs. Causing your knees to tremble for being on the floor for so long. Surely it will leave bruises.
For a moment it went silent. You trembled knowing something was to come. Your mind playing games with you feeling as if there was pressure all over you. Almost like hand covering every inch of your body. You were so sensitive even the sweat running down your chest made you shake.
Then it happened. The immense heat going down your shoulder. It caught you off guard that you let out a cry. Gasping for air, no longer holding it in.
A soft laugh came in front of you. Feeling the shadow in front of you now. A cold finger running up your neck to then hold up your chin.
"I like it when you're honest" even the words hit you like ecstasy. "Looking at you panting like a true little bitch"
You had reached the point where you didn't care anymore. You wanted some type of pleasure. To feel something since for so long you'd felt nothing. That's what you loved about Laito. He made you feel something. Even if he mistreated you at times it was something. He helped you with the realization that sometimes you should just say 'fuck it'. In more ways than one.
"Please" you say. Mouth open tongue nearly falling out.
"Can't take it anymore? That's no fun". You push forward wanting to get closer to him. Slowly moving your hips back and forth, feeling the rope rub against you.
"What's this? My little bitch is in heat?" He harshly pushes you back. Now leaning against the wall. The rope pulling you to the max. Slowly you feel his smooth cold hands splitting you legs apart. The action causing pressure. You feel yourself redden from the embarrassment of him looking at all of you.
"To think that you would get like this because of me" a shock of pleasure hits you. The feeling of his finger lightly passing you causing too much to handle. Feeling yourself become more and more wet. Your hips shaking asking for more. "So plump. Almost too good to get fucked" he always knew how to make you mad. "I wanted to keep you as innocent as possible, but look at how you've become" his fingers then left. Sadness spreading over you. To think you actually wanted him. Guess he really has broken you.
"But a bit of hell might be fine" the shock. Was it pleasure? Pain? Satisfaction?
Two fingers was all it took. Now in your deepest parts moving in a 'come here' motion. The pleasure was coming from your deepest part. After waiting so long you finally got what you wanted.
But the pain also came. From the side of your neck. His hot tongue licking the blood of your soft neck.
You were so gone you couldn't differentiate pain from pleasure. Perhaps they weren't so different. With pain came pleasure. And after that satisfaction.

For those that requested some laito I hope you guys enjoyed^^

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