Reiji x Reader (fluff)

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This is gonna be short because I am currently stressing about starting college lol so I am sorrryyyyy

"I told you that running around barefoot outside would result in you getting sick" Reiji said as he pressed his hand on your forehead.
He had tossed you in bed and piled blankets on you. Nearly suffocating you. You lay there in bed pouting. Yet again, he was babying you. As if you couldn't take care of yourself.
"You don't have to do this for me"
"Your right, I don't. But I would rather do this than hear your obnoxious coughing" he began to stir the tea that he was preparing for you. "Drink this, it'll help"
"I don't want it..." you began to pull the fluffy blankets over your face. Last time he gave you tea it wasn't quite pleasant.
"Drink this or else I'll throw you out the window". You took that as a threat. But a part of you wanted to laugh. You sat up as he passed you the tea. Warming your cold hands and clear your nose.
You take a sip with your shaking hands. It was warm and sweet.
"Don't spill the tea (sis)"
You took a couple more sips until it was gone. He took the cup away from you and put it by your table side.
"Now rest" he said as he fluffed out your pillows.
The bed was extremely soft, so drifting away was easy. You rested for as much as you could.


Your heavy eyes opened. Tired from sleeping. It was quiet. You tried to move but it was as if something was holding you down. Looking to your side you could spot a sleeping Reiji. He must be tired. You got your hand from under the bed and pushed his hair out of his face. His sleeping face was adorable.
You drifted to sleep again. Resting your hand on his.


Hey sis what's the tea?
Shit.        Over it.

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