Chapter 28

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Stormi's POV:

I left my sister in front of the ice cream store after I said those things to her "Hey my boi" said Simon "Hey" I said "Guess what?" asked Matt coming up to us "What?" I replied "TOMORROW WE GRADUATE" yelled Daryl I am so happy we're graduating tomorrow that means I don't have to see Storm's face after the graduation "Hey guys hey Ricky" said Kaylie having the biggest smile on her face "Why are you smiling?" asked Ricky "Because" said Kaylie "Because what?" replied Daryl "I'M GONNA BE A MODEL IN SPAIN" yelled Kaylie "No flipping way" said Ricky "Yes flipping way" replied Kaylie "We're so happy for you" said Matt "When do you leave?" asked Daryl "Tomorrow after graduation" said Kaylie then we all got confused what she said "Um Kaylie your 16 your going to be a junior" said Matt "I skipped my junior year here that's why I am in most of your senior classes" replied Kaylie "But still younger than me right" said Ricky "Yeah I am a month younger than you Ricky" replied Kaylie "Ok just to make sure" said Ricky that's how you know he doesn't want to lose her "We're so excited and if we go on tour maybe we can go to Spain on one of the days to see you" said Simon "That would be great" said Kaylie, the only reason Simon said that is because Ricky likes her I wonder when he is gonna ask her out "Can you guys also follow the person who takes the pictures in Spain on Instagram please?" asked Kaylie "Sure" we said in unison "What's the person's name?" asked Matt "Adriana Hurtado" replied Kaylie "Um Kaylie are you Hispanic?" asked Ricky "A little bit I am 40% Hispanic, 70% German, and 64% American" replied Kaylie "I have family members from Spain and America" said Kaylie So I'm guessing her dream was to go to Spain when she was younger "That's so cool" said Matt "Ricky can I talk to you?" asked Daryl "Sure" replied Ricky and they went down where the water fountain was talking about something "Wait doesn't that mean you can't say certain things on Instagram since your gonna be a model?" asked Matt "No silly Adriana is my older cousin so if she takes the picture on her account her caption gotta sound professional and not unprofessional but when I take the picture it can sound how ever it wanna sounds besides Adriana is a professional photographer in Barcelona so I will have to live with her there" explained Kaylie "Oh ok now it make sense to me" said Daryl "How old is Adriana?" I asked "She is 24 I can show you a picture of her" said Kaylie pulling out her phone "Here she is"

I left my sister in front of the ice cream store after I said those things to her "Hey my boi" said Simon "Hey" I said "Guess what?" asked Matt coming up to us "What?" I replied "TOMORROW WE GRADUATE" yelled Daryl I am so happy we're graduating to...

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"Wow she is beautiful" said Daryl "I know" replied Kaylie "Is she a model?" asked Ricky I'm guessing him and Daryl are done with their little talk "No she is not a model " replied Kaylie "Oh I just thought it ran in the family" said Ricky "Everybody I show this picture to thinks it runs in the family" said Kaylie "That's funny" I said "It is, but I better get going see you guys in class" said Kaylie walking away "So... what were you and Daryl talking about?" asked Matt slowly turning around "We were talking about how I'm going to ask out Kaylie tomorrow night" said Ricky "And how are you gonna do it?" asked Matt "By asking her out when she walks up on stage since this school says the seniors last name in alphabetical order so when they call Kaylie up I will stand up and go on the stage and say something meaningful and ask her right there but I will need the principal on this plan too" said Ricky "That sounds like the best plan I ever heard you say since we were here" said Simon "I will take that as a compliment" said Ricky "But we should get to class though before we are late" said Matt "Fine" I said playfully pouting "Another day of history" said Daryl grabbing Matt and me by our necks "You know this hurts Daryl" said Matt trying to get out of Daryl grip "I know" said Daryl. We got to class before the bell rang and we saw Lucas trying to kiss Jade but she wouldn't let him "GET OFF OF ME LUCAS I DON'T LIKE YOU" yelled Jade "Oh come on don't lie I know you like me Jade just admit it" replied Lucas "You heard my girlfriend she doesn't like you Lucas so get away from her" said Daryl coming toward Lucas "What are you gonna do about it all you are is just a boy who sings" said Lucas "And your just a boy way too stupid realize that your girlfriend lied on Instagram about Leah" said Daryl "Wait she said to me that she didn't do that to me" said Lucas sounding heartbroken "I'm so sorry I didn't mean it Jade I hope you forgive me I actually hope you all forgive me Matt for taking your girlfriend and saying hateful things to your girlfriend I swear I was forced by Leah becuase she was jealous of Lisa" said Lucas hoping for an answer from us "We forgive you Lucas just don't touch my girlfriend again" said Daryl "Oh and that was just a dare from Storm" said Lucas "Wow that's how you know my sister hates us" I said "Yep" agreed Jade *BELL RINGS* "Ok class take a seat today we will talk about The Great Depression now can someone tell me how it started?" asked Mrs. Hartmann, Daryl raised his hand "Yes Daryl?" asked Mrs. Hartmann "It started from stock market crashing rapidly and people started to lose their jobs and sometimes their houses" replied Daryl "Correct Daryl, being in The Great Depression was a horrible time for a lot of people now how many of you had grandparents or great grandparents in The Great Depression?" asked Mrs. Hartmann about ten people raised their hands and the nine others didn't and I was one of those 9 people "Well I hope you learn more about it from your grandparents and great grandparents for your test tomorrow" Mrs. Hartmann *Principal Pregel on innercome: I would love to congratulate the following seniors for achieving their dreams this year before they graduate from this school

1. Matt Cafferty
2. Daryl Curtis
3. Stormi Krusovic
4. Kaylie Burke
5. Simon Mstowski
6. Jade Braylon
7. And Lucas Ware

Thank you and have a nice day*

"Well let's give them a clap" said Mrs. Hartmann "Lucas what was your dream?" I asked "To become a singer" replied Lucas "Oh" was all I could say "I'm gonna breakup with Storm if that is fine with you" said Lucas all of a sudden "I mean you should since she lied to you but when because it has to be today and not tomorrow because then my mom will be suspicious about you" I replied "Maybe on Instagram but in a calm way" said Lucas "Do lyrics" I said instantly "That's a good idea" replied Lucas "I'm starting to think that Storm ditched school today or she is maybe sick" said Lucas "Um... yeah probably ditched or sick" I replied lying "Well class since we have five minutes until the bell rings for your next class let's ask questions" said Mrs. Hartmann "Kaylie what was your dream?" asked Leah "To be a model and go to Spain" answered Kaylie "Nice" replied Jade "I know" said Kaylie "I feel bad for Ricky because his crush is a senior but is a month younger than him and is only in one period of his" whispered Matt "Yeah we need a plan before tomorrow night" whispered Daryl "How about lunch today?" asked Lucas "Ok today will do" agreed Matt

*Time skipped sponsored by my brother*

"Hey guys" said Ricky coming to sit at our table "Hey" we replied in unison "Are you assuming my gender Martin?" asked Kaylie playfully "Yes I am Burke" answered Ricky with a grin "Ricky what was your dream?" asked Jade hoping that our plan will work "To have a wonderful girlfriend and be in a band but only one of those came true" answered Ricky "Oh" replied Kaylie "Don't worry one girl will fall for you" said Lisa "Your right Lisa" said Ricky looking at Kaylie, I hope this is the day he ask her out "Here goes nothing" whispered Ricky "Kaylie you were my best friend since kindergarten until you skipped junior year but we made our dreams come true well accept for one my number one dream, Kaylie Burke will you be the wonderful girlfriend I was looking for?" asked Ricky "Yes I would love to be your wonderful girlfriend" replied Kaylie after that beautiful scene they kissed "We have kids here people" said Daryl covering Lisa and Lena eyes "Fine" said Ricky and now Ricky is now a man.

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