Chapter 39

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*This might be the last chapter of this book so um yeah*

Storm's POV:

I got out the hospital (since I was checked out) and walked into Starbucks I saw a couple of the guys fans in there so I decided to try to stay hidden in the crowd of people until one of their fans saw me (I know what their fans name is but I'm making Storm acting like she doesn't) "OMG DYLAN LOOK ITS STORMI TWIN SISTER" yelled a girl, next thing I know I see about 6 girls coming toward me and there was a lot of questions "Is your brother single?" "When's your birthday?" "Are you and Kaylie still friends?" "How many times have you been in the hospital?" "What's your favorite song?", then one question hit me "Do you secretly like Stormi?", I started to panic inside should I say yes or no should I be rude and walk away or change the subject "Um no why would I like my brother that's pretty weird" I replied lying "Cause people were tweeting it and posting it and I decided to ask you" replied the girl "How come you answer her question and didn't answer my question I feel disappointed" said another fan (That's how I low key feel like at school with my friends) "What was your question?" I asked "Is your brother single?" asked the girl I think her name was Dylan "Which one?" I asked again "The only one who is famous" replied Dylan "Yes Stormi is single and maybe want to date a fan (idk really) if he had a chance to" I answered "Um then can I have his number?" asked Dylan "Ooh Dylan tryna get smashed" said Dylan friends I just laughed and gave her his number "Thanks Storm and I might text him today" said Dylan "That will be perfect" I replied (If you don't know what Dylan looks like here she is)

I got out the hospital (since I was checked out) and walked into Starbucks I saw a couple of the guys fans in there so I decided to try to stay hidden in the crowd of people until one of their fans saw me (I know what their fans name is but I'm ma...

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I watched Dylan walk out of Starbucks, her and Stormi do look like a good couple I walked out of Starbucks and walked all the way home and plopped on the floor (the pain) I went on my phone just doing random things until I heard my door open, I looked over the couch and it was only Haleigh I sighed "Oh sorry Storm for scaring you I was getting my phone from off the counter and no I'm not cheating on Simon with Derrick that's disgusting" explained Haleigh after that she walked out the door I went back on my phone and the door open again "Haleigh did you for-" it wasn't Haleigh it was Lena and she has a pistol in her left hand, I sprinted upstairs and locked my door and hides in my closet (my stupid self) *Bang* I heard the door flung open, my breath hitched "Storm I know your in here come out you little bitch" said Lena coming closer to the closet door, the door flung open and I was hiding in the dark corner. She walked out and closed the door, I went out the closet opened the window and jumped out and ran to the police "Woah little lady what's wrong?" asked one of the officers "Lena...Mantler escaped she is in my house please help me" I replied they got in their cars and drove to my house (I was in a car don't worry) we was searching around and inside my house, I saw a shadow in my room "She is in my bedroom" I said catching their attention "Ok ma'am" said another police officer, they went upstairs and checked my room, I see a person run out someone house so I ran after them (again my stupid self) they brought a pistol out there hoodie and I felt three sharp pain one in my arm one in shoulder and the last one in my heart, that was it Storm Krusovic was no more of a person at least I get to be up there without trying to kill myself I. Died. Proudly  


Third POV:

Storm Elizabeth Krusovic died on a sidewalk in Stuttgart, Germany  on May 23, 2018 by 3 gunshots and died right on the spot, our prayers will be with her along with her family and friends

R.I.P Storm Krusovic

The End.

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