Chapter 1.Friend advice

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This is Zack Ludenberg

Hermione opened her eyes.She was in Hogwarts.It was a peaceful morning but looks like it was a bit earlier.Because Lavender and Ginny were sleeping.Hermione got up from her four posters bed and sat on it.After all this war,it was peaceful morning.Hermione grabbed her clothes ,dressed up and looked at herself in mirror.In war Fenrir Greyback had attacked to her,leaving deep scar on her neck.If Malfoy didn't throw that spell on Greyback,she would be dead for now.But Malfoy didn't  know that he saved Hermione Granger,a mudblood,bookworm and a gryfindorr.In Hogwarts War,he came to good side,ignoring his death eater features.He was fighting beside Ginny and George Weasley.He saw Fenrir Greyback coming and followed.After throwing that spell on him he went,not looking at victim that he saved.

Hermione pulled her books and went to Great Hall.There was nobody except a hufflepuff boy and slytherin prince-Draco Malfoy.Malfoy didn't look at her when she stepped inside.Hermione sat on Gryffindor table.She glanced at Draco.He was pale as usual but his blonde hair wasn't perfectly brushed back.His hair was messy and it made him quite..cute?

Sitting there alone was boring.She always sat there with her friends.So she decided to get up and went to sit with Hufflepuff boy.

"Can i sit here?You know sitting alone is dull"

Hufflepuff boy smiled at her and gestured to sit.Hermione smiled back.She sat and started to eat

"You are Hermione Granger,right?" he asked

"Indeed.And you are?"

"Zack Ludenberg"

"Nice to meet'cha" and they went back to eating

Hermione lifted her head and saw that Malfoy is innocently staring at her.But when she looked at him ,he immediately looked away.

After minutes Great Hall was full of students.Hermione got up and went with Zack to Potions class.She sat in first desk,right in front of Slughorn's table.Zack sat in middle of the class.Hermione opened her book and wondered which potion they will make today.Door opened and someone came in.Hermione saw Malfoy's robes drifted over.She followed Malfoy's robes with her stare.Hermione wondered if he changed after the war.Malfoy sat at the very back of the room.He immediately put his feet on table and smirked when saw that Hermione was staring at him.

"What is it mudblood?" Nope.Definitely not changed at all.That signature smirk is again on his lips.

Hermione got up and came closer to him

"First don't call me a mudblood and second slip your feet away from the table"

Malfoy's smirk turned into a grin

"What if i don't?"

"As you know i am head girl and i can take points"

"And as if you know i am head boy and you can't take points from me"

"No actually i can.10 points from slytherin for placing his feet on the table "

Malfoy slipped his feet from table and leaned closer to her

"Well then you wanted this. 10 points from gryfindorr for taking points from me"

"What but that isn't fair.You can't take points from my house for just nothing!"

"Ah i can and if you will continue this i will continue to take points too"

"I will tell Professor Mc.Gonagall!"

"Scared?"Malfoy smirked"I don't have anything to lose"


"He is driving me mad! Hermione whispered herself while going back to her seat.Well at least,he is not placing his feet on desk now.She grabbed her book and switched the pages randomly.

Hermione almost jumped when she felt someone whispering into her ear

"I am glad i am driving you mad" Hermione lifted her head.Damn it.He had heard.Malfoy smirked and got out.She knew her face was as red as tomato now.

"Don't be angry.He likes when you are mad"Zack came and sat beside her


"Well i am boy and i know it.You can read it from his face.He likes to mess around ,especially with you.I know it is Draco Malfoy,but he smirks in different way when he is messing with you.Believe me don't give him this satisfaction."

"But i can't stop myself from not answering"

"Then do it in a way that he can not come back with another word.Don't satisfy him by giving him the last word" Hermione looked at him.Zack winked at him and went to his seat.He was right.Now,Hermione is not going to give him chance to say last word.While Hermione was thinking about it.Slowly students fill in.Ron,Harry and Ginny came .Ginny took a seat beside Hermione.Harry and Ron sat behind Hermione.

Hi guys!I wanted to inform you that,Voldemort in Hogwarts War has escaped with some of his important death eaters,such as Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange.There will be another war and deaths that happened in Hogwarts war in books will happen in Hogwarts War Part 2.Hope you will enjoy it.

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