Chapter 11.Investigation

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Draco POV:
We reached to Gryfindorr common room.No one was there.I went to girls dormitory. Hermione and Pansy followed.

I haven't seen the body before.But before we could reach there, dead body's smell spreaded over

"Shit" Pansy said "How can we now check her body?" She asked covering her nose

"Hermione any spells?" She shook her head

"Ok no way out then come" Pansy said and pulled us to upwards.Smell got wilder when we went far.

"I can't breathe" Hermione said.

"Nor we can mudblood.If you don't want to stay you can go" Pansy said.


I now saw the dead.What kind of person is the killer?!How how how how she could kill in a such way!

"Couldn't  she just avada kedavra her?" I asked

"Well we can start with that.Why she didn't used avada kedavra?" Pansy asked more than herself than us

"Hmm i think it's because she wanted to blame Ginny.You know.She is more related to muggles more than us." I said.

"No there is that mudblood too" I saw Hermione went pink

"She is Granger" i said.Hermione looked at me and smiled

"Whatever the hell is" Pansy said. "Does someone remember what happened yesterday night?" She asked

"We were drunk.Too much butterbeer" i said

"But why?Why we exactly drank it?" Pansy asked.Yes she was right.Why?

"Uhm..maybe the one who killed Millicent gave us the butterbeers, to make us asleep and drunk,so she would able to kill her victim easily and no one will remember anything"

"You are brilliant!" I said before i could stop myself Stupid Stupid Stupid

She smiled at me "thanks"

"Ok lovebirds.Now do you remember who gave us that butterbeers?" Pansy asked.We shook our head

"Then i think i must use my skills" she said and stepped in front of me.

"Legilimens!" She said while pointing that wand at me.But before she could enter my mind i quickly backfired.She fell backwards.
But before she touched to floor i rushed to her and caught her

"Sorry just reflex" she groaned.I pulled her to feet.This time she stepped in front of Hermione.


Hermione POV:

I was running in corridors of Hogwarts.I needed to find Ron and Harry.Everyone was running and screaming.I saw a glimpse of red hair.I guess it was Ron.I started to run towards him.But before i could reach him,someone grabbed my hand and pulled me to floor hard.

I opened my eyes.

"GET OFF WEREWOLF?" I cried.It was Fenrir Greyback who pulled me.He was lying on me.His teeth were bloody.I couldn't move he was too strong.My wand wasn't in my hand.Whatta hell.He was leaning closer and closer tommy neck.Oh no oh no oh no

But before i could manage what to do,Greyback flew backwards,but when he did,he leaved deep scar on my neck with his fingernails.I cried.There stood,his wand pointing at Greyback, Draco Malfoy.Wow he saved my life.He came to good side!


I was sitting beside Draco on sofa in Gryfindorr common room.I was trying to teach Draco how to produce a patronus

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