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The week has gone by quickly and it's now Thursday. Since I agreed to go with Luke to his show, I've gotten more anxious by the day.

It's very early in the morning and Derek had called in for me at school yesterday. He said I was quite busy with appointments today and needed the day off. Of course they listened. In reality, Derek told me we were spending the day together since he would be leaving back to school.

"Are you going to finish your breakfast?" He asks looking at my plate.

"Yeah just tired" I yawn.

It's about five in the morning and I'm not sure why he decided to wake me up to early.

"Have you taken your medicine today?" He asks as he continues to eat.

I shake my head and he stands up after finishing his plate.

"Finish up, I'll go grab your medicine and then we'll head out" He tells me.

Head out where? I listen to him and continue to eat as much as I can handle. He soon returns with my pills. Disgusting. After taking them and making the most disgusted face, he chuckles.


I nod and stand up, slightly leaning on him as we walk to his car. I sit in the front seat and he starts the car. My eyes begin to droop as music plays and I get somewhat comfortable in the seat.

"You can sleep Sis, Ill wake you up when we're there" Derek says, seeing me in my drowsy state.

A small smile forms on my lips as my eyes shut and I fall back into a peaceful sleep.


My brothers voice wakes me up. I open my eyes to see him standing above me. He helps me out of the car and I notice we're at the airport. Then I remember he spoke of an old family friend coming in this week. He still hasn't told me who.

"Will you tell me already?" I mumble as we walk towards the entrance.

"You'll see soon" He chuckles.

I roll my eyes and we walk inside and wait by one of the gates. As people exit, I don't see anyone I recognize. I look over to Derek.

"I don't see anyone" I tell him.

He doesn't speak, but only smiles. A pair of arms wrap around me from behind and I become stiff. I slowly turn around and see a face I never thought I'd see again. My arms instantly wrap around her and pull her into a hug.

"I can't believe you're actually here" I whisper.

"Well believe it" She laughs.

We pull back and I take a minute to see how much she's changed. She's short and thin, but a good thin. She's gotten tattoos on her arm. But she's still the same Cher.

Derek motions for us to follow him to receive her bags and we follow.

"How have you been?" She asks.

"I've been better. I take it as Derek told you" I reply.

Her face drops a bit, and she nods.

"It's okay, I'm okay" I reassure her.

We continue to walk and wait for the luggage to come out. After we grab her things we head back to the car.

"I'm so hungry, Can we grab something to eat?" Cher asks when we get in.

"Yeah well stop somewhere before going home" Derek responds.

We drive back and I sit in the car and think. This is the first time in years we're back together. My happiness now is completely real. Just as it was in the photo.

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