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It's been about a week since the incident with Luke at school. We haven't spoke since considering the guilty feeling within me. Throughout the few days of my sorrow feeling, my phone has buzzed at least once a day. Not once have a checked the messages.

"You doing alright in her?" Cher's voice asks as her head pops into my room.

I slowly turn around from starring at my wall. Her eyes soften as she sees the distress that fills me.

She makes her way over to my messy bed that I have barley left. Her hand finds its way to my arm and she shakes her head slightly.

"Come on Selena, You shouldn't be so upset about this. You tried to help and he over exaggerated."

I sit up and rub my tired eyes.

"What I did was wrong and he was right to be upset. I just don't want to face him just yet" I tell her.

She stands up and puts her hand out to me. With the strength I have, I grab it and she lifts me up. We walk downstairs and I collapse on the couch while Cher walks into the kitchen. She returns after a minute with two plates of food. She hands me one and takes the place next to me, switching the tv on.

"Let's just enjoy the rest of our week okay, I'll go get your school work later on and we can just spend time here until you're ready to go back" Cher tells me, her eyes glued to the screen.

I know she's worried for me and It brings me happiness knowing she cares. As her best friend, I decide to listen for once and try not to focus on the negativity going on in my life.

Cher finally switches to a channel playing an old Disney movie. I manage to eat as much of the sandwich she made me, giving a slight boost of energy to my day.

"Did you take your medicine today?" Cher asks as she stands and takes our dishes to the sink.

"Yeah" I mutter.

I can hear the clatter of the dishes in the sink, everything piling up. We haven't done much for the past week except eat and do my work. Mum and dad have been in and out of the house, acknowledging me for once.

Cher enters the room again and slips on her shoes. She gives me a small smile and grabs the car keys from the wall.

"I'll be back with this weeks work" She tells me.

I give her a nod and she exits the house. The house isn't as silent as it used to be. Only sound is the television on. I lay back on the couch and continue to watch.

The sound of my phones loud ringer causes me to jump. My eyes scan the screen to see the new name pop up. Harry Styles video chatting me. My heart jumps a bit and I swipe to answer. His beautiful smile appearing.

"Hello" I say, my voice coming out higher than I intend.

"Good afternoon Selena" My name coming from his lips gives me goosebumps.

"How are you?" I question, unsure of his random call to me.

"Well I'm actually great now because of you" He tells me. "That song came back and the producers loved it."

My smile grows at his news and a bit of the guilt washes away. Harry continues.

"They loved it so much they may be considering a spot for your friend, Possible song writer" He explains.

"But he's in a band, they want to perform" I tell him before he continues.

"We haven't heard them, We'd need some proof that they can really sing"

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