- Maria -

"I want to give you a promotion." Eliza said, leaning across the counter. I had just told her that I was pregnant, figuring it was better to say it sooner than later incase any issues came up. The café was closed for the day, so no one else was around.

"No, no, no, I can't let you do that. Honestly, my position now is fine." I said. I didn't want to cost her any more money than I already did. The wages I earned truly were fine, and could support me as a single mother.

"You say that now, but once the baby comes? It'll be so much more costly for you. The extra money will be beneficial. And you can keep your position, but help out with a few little things here and there. Think of it as a sort of co-manager type thing." She insisted. I sighed and nodded, giving in. Knowing Eliza and her ambition, she would just keep pushing anyways.

"Thank you." I said, feeling my face heat up a little bit. She grinned at me and leaned forward, hugging me. My slightly pink face turned into a tomato.

"It's really no problem at all. But here, let me show you some stuff you'll help out with." She said. For the next couple of hours, she walked me through a couple of procedures and such, telling me a few more responsibilities I'd have as a 'sort of co-manager'.

I made a list on my phone of everything she told me, making sure not to miss anything. But honestly, the way I hung on every word she spoke made it so I would never miss a thing.

We walked out together, and just before we parted she grabbed my hand quickly, scribbling her phone number onto with a pen. I smiled and thanked her, not only for the promotion but for everything. She smiled and began to walk away, before turning around randomly and grabbing my hand again.

"Eliz—" I began, but didn't get to finish, since her lips were pressed against mine.

I was surprised at first but quickly gave in, melting into the kiss. I felt one of her hands tangling in my hair and the other on my cheek as our bodies molded together. Her warm lips against mine tasted like chocolate, and it felt like they were made to kiss mine.

None of the kisses I ever received from James were nearly as good as this. We moved against each other with gentle passion before we parted, both breathing heavily with blushes and smiles on our faces.

But hers faltered after a moment and her eyes turned sad and confused, filling with tears.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, oh god... I'm sorry!" She said, running off.

"Eliza, wait!" I yelled after her, trying to get to her before she was too far gone.

But she didn't turn around when I called for her, and I couldn't catch her in time before she went down into the subway, so I just turned around and went back home, confused.

James was gone when I got home, so I decided to text Eliza and ask her what the hell just happened. Not that I didn't like it, but why did she run?

maria: hey eliza. what happened there? you don't have to be sorry, it was a great kiss

Her texting bubble popped up, and I waited for almost two minutes before she sent a long paragraph.

eliza: but I do have to be sorry. I'm sorry because I'm still so confused with myself and my preferences and figuring all that out. I'm sorry because I kissed you in the middle of the street with absolutely no warning and probably scared you. I'm sorry because I see the bruises on you everyday but never say anything. I'm sorry because you're pregnant and have someone waiting for you at home and I just thoughtlessly kissed you because I just feel so drawn to you. So yes, I am sorry.

I was taken aback at her response. She still doesn't know if she likes girls or guys or both? She seems so confident! That's never a thing I'd expect her to be struggling with but I'm not judging. And the bruises... I shuddered and tried to ignore that but knew I'd have to deal with it sooner or later. I almost laughed when she said the part about having someone waiting for me at home. James was off getting drunk.

maria: like i said, it's fine. i have some explaining to do i guess but it should be in person and somewhat private. but don't be sorry. i don't regret it but no matter what you feel about it, I'm here for you no matter what.

eliza: ok, we'll set something up to talk at some point soon. I'll come clean about some things too. I'm going to bed but thank you for being so kind about all this. And again, I can't help but apologize so I'm sorry.

maria: alright. goodnight, and it's fine. xx

I clicked my phone off and hid it so that James couldn't find it when he got home and climbed into bed, closing my eyes as I replayed my kiss with Eliza in my head.

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