- Eliza -

Seeing Maria sobbing in that hospital bed shattered my heart into about five million pieces.

She kept mumbling these terrible things, about how it was her own fault and she was worthless and things like that. I continued to reassure her that it wasn't her fault and she was worth so, so much to me, but it was almost like she couldn't hear me.

After she stopped crying, it seemed like she went kind of numb. She was just staring straight ahead with this broken look in her eyes, not saying anything and hardly moving.

And then she fell asleep, curled into herself. She was clutching her stomach in her sleep and the sight of it almost made me sick with the amount of sadness it made me feel.

In complete honesty, I was just as excited for this baby as she was. I was hoping, praying that she'd get away from James. Her and I could finally date. We could live together and raise the baby together. She told me that we'd do those things.

And now we can't.

I took a deep breath and willed the tears in my eyes to go away before they fell. I really didn't want Maria to wake up and see me in tears, because I know that would only break her even more.

I pulled out my phone and texted Alexander. He had met Maria multiple times in the past week, and they clicked immediately. He knew about the baby too, and Maria told him that he'd be the second one (the first was me), who would be called when she had the baby. It's better he finds out sooner than later that it won't happen.

Eliza: just thought I'd let you know, maria lost the baby. I won't go into detail but James hurt her and caused a miscarriage. she's absolutely heartbroken and i am too... in the hospital right now with her but I'm sure that tonight, she'd love to have you visit and keep her mind off all this.

His response comes quickly.

Alexander: oh my god, I'm so sorry. I can't believe he'd do that to her.... it's terrible. I'll definitely come by to visit you guys. just let me know when the time is right and I'll be there.

Eliza: thank you. it means a lot that you'd drop everything to help her through this. It hurts me to see her so sad, you know?

Alexander: I totally get it. But I'd never just leave you guys to get through this on your own. Sending lots of love xoxo

I turned my phone off as Maria shifted a bit in the bed, waking up. I stroked her hair gently, avoiding the knots that had formed from her tossing and turning.

"How are you feeling, love?" I asked her once she was awake. She kind of shrugged and mumbled something I couldn't quite make out, but I went with it.

"Hey, so Alex is going to come by a little later, if that's okay with you. I figured I should tell him sooner than later, and I didn't know if you wanted to go through having to tell him, so... I'm sorry if you didn't want me to say anything." I said gently, not wanting to say something that could cause her to break down.

"That's fine. It'll be nice to have him here too. I just... I feel bad because he seemed so excited to meet the baby once she was born and so did you, and now everyone's upset.." she trailed off. I kissed her gently, cupping her cheeks with my hands.

"It's not your fault. But... wait, did you say when she was born?" I said, realizing what she'd said. I really didn't want to push anything on her, but I was curious. I knew that she was probably nearing 5 months, but I didn't know if she went to get the gender checked. If she had, she didn't tell me. She blushed and looked away, tears filling her eyes for a moment before she wiped them away.

"After work yesterday, before the whole thing with James, I went to the doctors. They said I was going to have a girl." She sniffed.

Those words made the whole situation feel like a reopened wound. The fact that she had literally just learned she was having a baby girl... and then no baby at all.

I couldn't help but hide my face in my sleeves and begin to cry. For her, for the baby, for the family we could've had if not for James.

a/n: ive been cramming a loooot of angst into my books lately. Oof. also, for my readers who read all my stuff: are they starting to seem like the plots are too similar? also PLEASE comment ideas of what I can put into my books (whether it be something that happens between 2 characters or another scene or whatever YOU guys want). I love love love having readers inputs and I really want to start incorporating your ideas into my books in some way. Thank you!!

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