Chapter 4

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Warning: The video that I put along with this chapter may not be to the liking of some. Just a funny thing that I thought represented (Name) very well right now.

(Name) had gone off to college, leaving Jake to stay with Aunt Mary. Jake was now going to school in the town where Aunt Mary lived while (Name) returned to the town where the murder took place. She went to the local college there and would drive back to her Aunt's house. In her spare time, she would play with Jake, study, and surf the internet, looking for something.

(Name) was online scrolling through posts. She was in search of the game that the man came through. There was no way that the police took this as evidence. When (Name) went back to the house, it appeared like someone had broken in. Knowing how people are, more than likely the game was being sold somewhere by someone. The odds of (Name) actually finding it though were very slim. (Name) had to try. Then she would go and get the gaming system that was needed.

(Name) had a plan. She would get the game, set the gaming system up, and play the game again. This time though, she was going to do this at a hotel. She would not endanger her family again. (Name) would be ready though. She would tell her Aunt that she was going on a trip with some friends, stay at the hotel for a few nights, and wait. She would wait until he came.

(Name's) eyes lit up, after refreshing for hours, the game had popped up. She clicked on it and went straight to buy the game system next. She ordered quick shipping. (Name) paid for it using a pre-paid card that she bought for herself. (Name) spun in her computer chair, happy, she threw her hands up and laughed. It was finally happening, she was going to get revenge for her family.

(Name) ran downstairs, looking for her aunt. She looked all around downstairs, no sign of her. Jake was downstairs, playing with one of his toys.

"What are you doing (Name)?" Jake asked.

"Where's Aunt Mary?"

"Outside... in the garden. Why?"

"I need to tell her something." (Name) opened the back door, finding her aunt working on the plants.

"Aunt Mary!" (Name) called out, she smiled as she walked over to her aunt.

Aunt Mary stopped what she was doing as she turned her attention to (Name).

"What is it (Name)? You seem awfully happy, what happened?"

(Name) giggled, "It's nothing, don't worry."

"Alright then..."

"I was wondering if you'd be okay with me going off on a short vacation with my friends."

"Of course I don't mind, just be careful." Aunt Mary smiled at (Name), happy to see that (Name) was doing better compared to a few months before.

"Thank you so much!" (Name) hugged Mary tightly as she smiled. Aunt Mary hesitated for a moment but she hugged back.

"When are you leaving?" she asked.

"In a few days." (Name) said as she began to walk back to the house to finish preparing.

"Okay..." Aunt Mary said mostly to herself as she went back to tend the garden. She couldn't help but think that something really good must have happened to (Name) to make her act so happy. She giggled at the thought of it.

(Name) walked back to the room Jake was in and picked him up, spinning around with him in her arms. Jake began to laugh.

"Put me down (Name)!" Jake giggled as (Name) slowed her spinning.

"Oh really? Are you sure you want that?" (Name) put Jake down and then began to tickle him. "The tickle monster will get you then!"

"No! Please!" Jake squirmed and laughed as his sister tickled him.

"Not until you admit that I'm the best sister out there!" (Name) giggled.

"O-Okay!" Jake laughed, "Y-You're the b-best!"

"The best what?"

"T-The best s-sister!" (Name) stopped tickling Jake, letting him catch his breath from all the laughter. (Name) gave Jake a hug then.

"Jake..." (Name's) tone changed to a worried one as she said, "You know that I love you, right?"

Jake hugged her back, "Of course I do silly!" Jake laughed at his sister's worried expression.

"Good." (Name) smiled as she let go of Jake, "I will always love you, no matter what happens."

A/N - If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment your feedback! It is really appreciated and I am always looking for help to grow as an author! Thank you so much!

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