Chapter 13

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The phone started buzzing wildly as (Name) sat in class listening to a lecture. She blushed profusely as most of the other students glared at her. She grabbed her phone and excused herself, mentally yelling at herself for forgetting to put the phone on silent; now she was going to miss out on taking notes and would regret forgetting to put on silent mode. She checked to see who was calling. (Name) hoped it was not Jake's school, if it was him, then it was an emergency. Instead of Jake's school calling her, it was Ben. (Name) almost threw her phone at the sight of it but she managed to refrain herself from doing so. She took a deep breath in and released it as she answered the phone right before the last buzz ended.

(Name): Ben?! Why in the world are you calling?! I'm in class right now missing notes!

Ben: You know you could have just let it go to voicemail, right?

(Name): That's not the point! Besides, everyone was glaring at me since I forgot to put my phone on silent.

Ben: Well sorry... anyways, I wanted to know if you... wanted to go out tonight.

(Name) didn't know why Ben was hesitating on asking to hangout. They've went out together before. Before she answered she laughed a bit.

(Name): You're right, I could have let my phone go to voicemail. Of course silly, we can go out tonight. If that's all, I'm going to go back to class now.

Ben: That's it bu–

(Name): Great! Just text me a time! Bye!~

(Name) hung up and went back into class. She was lucky that one of the students next to her let her take a picture of their notes. She would catch up later but for now, she needed to write down the new information that was being talked about.


After playing a couple of games with Jake and getting ready for the evening, (Name) was finally ready to head out. Ben had messaged her earlier asking her to meet him at the park. Apparently, they were going to spend the evening out at the dock. (Name) was content with that but she hoped they would have fun.

(Name) closed the front door behind her, heading towards the park. She took her time because she was early. As (Name) was on her way, she made a quick stop at the store since it was on her way. She bought a small snack for herself. She might as well take advantage of this.

She had finally made it to the park and finished the last of her pretzels. Throwing it out, (Name) made her way to the dock. She looked around the park as she walked over to the pier, (Name) saw no sight of Ben yet. He seemed to be late for once. (Name) leaned over the pier railing, looking down into the water. She saw a frog swim by and a few fish that looked like they were staring back. A cough came from behind (Name). She turned around to see an embarrassed Ben standing at the edge of the grass that met with the boards of the dock.

"Hey..." He said awkwardly as he gave a small wave.

"Hey Ben!" (Name) paused, waiting to see if Ben would join her. When he didn't move from the spot he was at, (Name) tilted her head a bit as she gestured him to come towards her. "What's wrong Ben?"

He look hesitant but he answered her, "I'm fine but... I don't really like water."

(Name) was quiet, both of them just stared each other down. (Name) have a evil grin to Ben as she chuckled to herself.

"Payback's a bitch." She said as she grabbed a hold of Ben.

"Wait! No, (Name)! Have mercy, please!"

The Unwelcomed Guest (Ben x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now