Chapter 8

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(Name) made her way to the living room. She looked out the window briefly and saw that Jake was running outside. (Name) became tensed and was about to rush out the door until she saw another young boy Jake's age running after him. (Name) calmed down, jumpy from Ben's threat but she was going to show up. She looked back to the room she was standing in and saw Aunt Mary painting her nails as she was listening to the news. (Name) plopped down next to her and gave her a smile.

"Aunt Mary! You won't believe this!" (Name) tried to sound as cheery and excited as possible; it was hard to do since this was mostly centered around Ben getting his way.

"Goodness (Name)! You just scared me half to death!" Aunt Mary reached for a cotton swab, trying to clean the nail polish off that made it to her skin. (Name) only kept smiling and giggled at her aunt's frustration.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited!"

"Really? About what dear?" Aunt Mary stopped painting her nails as she was letting them dry, she had a curious look on her face as she turned her attention towards (Name).

"I'm going on a date!" (Name) was close to balling her eyes out, at least that's what it felt like on the inside but she managed to make it look like excitement on the outside.

"That's wonderful! A nice boy from college I hope." (Name's) aunt chuckled a bit as (Name) nodded her head.

"Yeah... such a wonderful guy. I'll know for sure though after the date."

"Guessing you won't be here for dinner then?" Aunt Mary wiggled her eyebrows, causing for both of them to laugh.

"Yeah, but I'll be back before the sun is up. That's for sure!" Both chuckled a little too hard at a horrible attempt of a joke.

(Name) bounced up and as she made her way to the stairs, calling out, "I'm going to get ready for this evening!"

Aunt Mary was pleased that the children were getting comfortable in their new life. Jake was making friends and (Name) was, hopefully, finding someone to share her heart with.


(Name) stepped out of the shower. Her damp hair dripping, she tried to make as much time pass by taking a long shower. (Name) grabbed her phone and turned it on. Unfortunately, that didn't pass enough time by from what her phone was showing. (Name) decided that she would do her hair then.

She grabbed the blow dryer from underneath the sink and plugged it in. She ran her fingers through her hair and began drying it with the device. Once that was done, (Name) put away the dryer and checked the time. Still, not enough has passed.

This time (Name) decided she would flat iron her hair, it would make her hair nice and shiny. She grabbed the flat iron from her room and returned to the bathroom. After that was finished, (Name) forgot about the time and went off to get dressed.

Ben had told her to dress nicely for dinner. (Name) searched her clothes for something nice. She managed to find a nice evening dress. It wasn't too fancy and it wasn't too flashy. (Name) popped the maroon colored dress on and grabbed her make up kit. She finished her look off with a sweet, innocent look. Nothing that stood out, this was a dinner with her enemy after all. (Name) wasn't here to impress him.

She checked the time on her phone, she had plenty of time to get to the park. (Name) grabbed some shoes that would be comfortable to walk in, small heels for this would do. The upside to wearing heels was that, is Ben tried anything she could squash his foot with her heel. (Name) giggled at the thought as she grabbed her purse, keys, and wallet. She walked downstairs to find Jake and her aunt eating dinner.

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