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Lesbian guy👭😘
Yoo wanna meet the vlog squad?

I'm at work DUMMY

Lesbian guy👭😘
Well I meant afterwards

Well sure. But how many people are in the "vlog squad?"

Lesbian guy👭😘

Mabel Swanson was debating on whether or not to go. Her worries on they're thoughts on her were so high they were up to the sky. (Hehe im super lame). Then she was thought that maybe if she looked good. Then maybe it would not only be noticeable for The vlog squad, but also David. On the bright side she already met Zane and he was her new bestie so that makes it an A+.


Two hours of long, torturous work was horrible. But then again, Mabel eventually got her money. It was around 400$ (don't judge idek what work is like lolz). She decided on what to wear. Her whole woredrobe was filled with dust. (Actually so true irl). But her outfit was actually a goddess. (The outfit is above lolz)

She was driving and looked up where the house was. Well let's just say, when she pulled up, she saw to many david faces on a car. Anyways it was really surprising considering the fact David seemed so nervous when she first met him. Now he's just..... himself. Which is a good thing. She knocked on the door a few times and a guy who looked around 40 years old.
The first thing that came out of her mouth was "hi is David here?" Mabel knew that he was here because he saw his car but still. "Yeah for sure. Wait aren't you Mabel?" The guy wanted to know for sure. "Yes. And you are?" Mabel wanted to know if David said anything about her. Bad or good. He chuckled then said "Oh yeah, I'm Jason, Jason Nash. David talks A LOT about you" Mabel was hoping it was good. Well she was pretty sure that it was good.

I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I HAVE A THOUSANDS VIEWS. THIS IS INSANE. I LOVE YOU ALL LIKE THIS MUCH💘💗❤💖💓💕💙🖤🖤💙💞💟💞💞💙💚💝💝💚💗💘💖💖❤💖💘💖💘💝💝💚💝💚💝❤💝💚💝💙💝💘💝💟💝❤💝💖❣💝❤💖❣💞❤💞💙💞💘💝❤💝💚💝❤💝💘💝💝💟💝💙💝💝💝❣💝💚💝💚💝💟💝💙💝💟💝💚💝❣💖🖤💚×INFINITY AND BEYOND. Y'ALL DON'T EVEN KNOW. HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY!

SO MUCH; DAVID DOBRIK Where stories live. Discover now