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Mabel's pov

As soon as I entered the house everyone just stared at me.

"Ah is there something on my face?" I put my hands over my face.

"No no no you're just very pretty" A girl with pretty brunnete said while smiling.

"Ah thank you! I actually thought I had something on my face" I chuckled in a good.

"Well I'll let you meet everyone" Jason said while introducing everyone.

Each and every one of them are so unique. And as cliché as it sounds, they really are different but in such a good way.

Todd is attractive. There is no denying it. But he has a sweet heart. Scotty is nice. He reminds me of strawberrys. I have no idea why, maybe because he has so many freckles? I don't know. Heath was very witty. And I understood his humor. I enjoyed his prensense. Corrina is very beautiful. She may seem like a "whore" in David's vlogs. But in real life she was just a peach. The girl who complimented me, well that's Kristen. Kristen was very weird, and that's one of the things I like about her. Jason may be David's punching bag, but Jason is such a good person. You can tell that when you first meet him. Even if you have no idea who he is. He is very kind. And y'all know Zane. That's my main bitch.

I liked how they instantly just loved and accepted who I was. They all deserve pure happiness. David has amazing friends.

David was a little late because he went to a store to get some snacks. When he arrived we all picked out a movie. Three out of nine picked out the notebook. I, overcourse, chose Dear John, because who doesn't love Dear John. That movie is the shit bro. Obviously Dear John was the winner.

There was 3 couches. Kristen and Scott shared one. Jason, todd and corrina shared the other one. And Zane and heath took the last one. For David and I? We made a cozy bed on the floor.

While I was laying down I accidentally laid on David's chest


You got me there

It was no accident

But damn he smelled so good oh my.

He noticed and I could tell he was smiling at me. Then he wrapped his arm around me and I felt comfortable. I loved it. I eventually fell asleep.

I definatly like David.

So much.

SO MUCH; DAVID DOBRIK Where stories live. Discover now