16 In the arms of the enemy

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When Silvia met me at one of the cafés we frequent, I have to admit the change. They were not subtle changes but some drastic changes.

"Are you alright? I mean, you have changed" I told her, and she smiled. Wow, a smile from Silvia is like a rare occurrence that few people have ever seen.

"Did you really smile?" I asked her, half teasing and half amused.

"Have you ever wondered the kind of life we are leading Brad? We are like leeches. We thrive by sucking the blood out of people" she said answering her own question.

"When did you come to this realization?" I asked her after some moment of stunned silence.

"I have done things even you would flinch if I tell you. I became that person who is feared by all. Right now, I got the power to make anyone's life miserable"

"I know. But why me?"

"It's not you Brad, it's me. I want to exit this nasty , blood sucking life I am living. I don't want any of this. I want to just leave all these behind" she said, and I looked at her carefully.

"Who is it Silvia?" I know it has to be someone. And I saw panic settle in her face.

"No one" she said. I know then, that she is trying to protect someone and things are serious.

"Cant trust me enough?"

"Not enough. But leave it aside. Musa was murdered, and the orders came from the top" she said. I can feel my anger rising, and I don't want it to go out of control.

"Are you using me to get at what you want?" I asked her.

"I swear to God, I am not using you. All I am asking is, you find out about this yourself. Don't get caught but do it yourself. My dad is involved as well. And when you find the truth, come to me. I will help you"

I looked at her again. Can this be a set up? I mean, the Zionist have plans like these where they set up one against another to check loyalty. Silvia is not someone that anyone wants to mess up with.

"I don't trust you" I told her honestly.

"You are wise in not trusting me. And I don't trust you either" she said with a smile, and I smiled back.

"You are wise in not trusting me as well"

We had dinner and spoke of nonsensical things before parting our ways. But one thing Silvia said stuck in my head before she went.

"Brad, you know the rules of the game, right? Chances are neither of us will live to tell these stories if anyone smell anything fishy. So be careful" she said and we departed.

I was trying to break my head over this for the last two weeks. I have to find a way to dig deeper but I cant without someone getting alerted.

It is then all hell broke loose.

Hansons crimes came in bold letters in print and electronic media. Some of the children he had raped, the cases that were filed against him and how US politicians used influence to hush the Palestinians and other organizations from ever discovering this, or when discovered, how they hushed them..etc came out. I wasn't surprised at the info as I gave it to Hayah. And the entire system went crazy.

I got a call from Israel PM asking to do damage control. The idea is to present Hanson as a human with compassion for children. The recent release of 50 children from Palestinian jail was attributed to his kind heartedness. And then the story was reversed as in saying, Hamas is against the welfare of all Palestinians and it is their crimes for which Hanson was charged.

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